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List of Our Publications
- Zherebker A.Y., Shirshin E.A., Kharybin O.N., Kostyukevich Y.I., Kononikhin A.S., Konstantinov A.I., Volkov D.S., Roznyatovsky V.A., Grishin Y.K., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2018. Separation of benzoic and unconjugated acidic components of leonardite humic material using sequential solid-phase extraction at different pHs as revealed by FTICR MS and correlation NMR spectroscopy // Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(46):12179-12187. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b04079
- Karpukhina E.A., Mikheev I.V., Perminova I.V., Volkov D.S., Proskurnin M.A. 2018. Rapid quantification of humic components in concentrated humate fertilizer solutions by FTIR spectroscopy // Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-018-2133-x
- Perminova I.V., Shirshin E.A., Konstantinov A.I., Zherebker A.Ya, Dubinenkov I.V., Lebedev V.A., Kulikova N.A., Nikolaev E.N., Bulygina E., Holmes R.M. 2018. The Structural Arrangement and Relative Abundance of Aliphatic Units May Effect Long-Wave Absorbance of Natural Organic Matter as Revealed by 1H NMR Spectroscopy // Environmental Science and Technology, 52(21):12526-12537. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b01029
- Fedoros E.I., Orlov A.A., Zherebker A.Ya., Gubareva E.A., Maydin M.A., Konstantinov A.I., Krasnov K.A., Karapetian R.N., Izotova E.I., Pigarev S.E., Panchenko A.V., Tyndyk M.L., Osolodkin D.I., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V., Anisimov V.N. 2018. Novel water-soluble lignin derivative BP-Cx-1: identification of components and screening of potential targets in silico and in vitro // Oncotarget, 9:18578-18593. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.24990
- Kononikhin A.S., Zherebker A.Ya., Kazachkov M.A., Grigoryev A.S., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Pekov S.I., Bocharov K.V., Popov I.A., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2017. The study of the molecular composition of humic substances of coal and peat by high-resolution mass spectrometry with optimal electrosprey conditions // Russian Academy of Science Bulletin. Energy, No 1, pp 107-114. (in Russian)
- Vozhdaeva M.Yu, Wagner E.V., Cantor L.I., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V., Cantor E.A., Trukhanova N.V., Melnitsky I.A. 2017. Effect of seasonal dynamics and chemical treatment on the quality of dissolved organic matter in water sources and potable water of Ufa // Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin, 72(3), 154-159. DOI: 10.3103/S0027131416050126
- Pankratov D.A., Anuchina M.M., Borisova E.M., Volikov A.B., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2017. Sorption of Humic Substances on a Weakly Basic Anion-Exchange Resin: Relationship with the Adsorbate Structure // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 91(6), 1109-1115. DOI: 10.1134/S0036024417060176
- Zhernov Y.V., Kremb S., Helfer M., Schindler M., Harir M., Mueller C., Hertkorn N., Avvakumova N.P., Konstantinov A.I., Brack-Werner R., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph, Perminova I.V. 2017. Supramolecular Combinations of Fractionated Humic Polyanions as Potent and Cost-Effective Microbicides with Polymodal anti-HIV-Activities and Low Cytotoxicity // New Journal of Chemistry, 41: 212-224. DOI: 10.1039/C6NJ00960C
- Zherebker A.Ya., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Kononikhin A.S., Kharybin O., Konstantinov A.I., Zaitsev K.V., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2017. Enumeration of carboxyl groups carried on individual components of humic systems using deuteromethylation and Fourier transform mass spectrometry // Anal Bioanal Chem DOI: 10.1007/s00216-017-0197-x
- Kholodov V.A., Milanovskiy E.Y., Konstantinov A.I., Tyugai Z.N., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Perminova I.V. 2017. Irreversible sorption of humic substances causes a decrease in wettability of clay surfaces as measured by a sessile drop contact angle method // Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1639-3
- Shirshin E.A., Zherebker A.Ya., Shakirov S.M., Fadeev V.V., Perminova I.V. 2017. Theoretical Description of Photophysical Mechanisms Responsible for Similarity of Optical Properties of Humic Substances //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 17.
- Karpukhina E.A., Volkov D.S., Proskurnin M.A., Perminova I.V. 2017. FTIR Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Humic Substances in Aqueous Solutions and Dry Sample //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 26.
- Kholodov V.A., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Kogut B.M., Kulikova N.A., Konstantinov A.I., Frid A., Perminova I.V. 2017. Standard Samples of Humic Acids of Chernozem and Sod-podzol Soil of State Standard Level //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 27.
- Konstantinov A.I., Zherebker A.Ya., Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2017. Quantitative Description and Classification Analysis of NOM Based on FTICR MS Data //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 28-29.
- Kostyukevich Yu.I., Zherebker A.Ya., Kononikhin A.S., Popov I.A., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2017. Revealing Chemical Properties of Individual Compounds in Complex Mixtures Using in-ESI Source H/D Exchange Combined with FT ICR MS //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 30.
- Osolodkin D.I., Orlov A.A., Zherebker A.Y., Kozlovskaya L.I., Perminova I.V. 2017. Chemoinformatic Approach to Identify Antiviral Components of Humic Substance //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 34-35.
- Volikov A.B., Perminova I.V. 2017. Express Method of Determining the Humic/Fulvic Acids Ratio in Humic Substances by Total Organic Carbon Analyzer //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 42-43.
- Volkov D.S., Perminova I.V. 2017. Mineral Composition of Natural Humic Substances and Commercial Humics-Based Products //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 44.
- Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2017. Antioxidant Capacity of Soil Humic Substances: TEAC vs. ORAC Approach //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 59.
- Turkova A.V., Zherebker A.Ya., Rubtsova M.Yu., Grigorenko V.G., Andreeva I.P., Kononikhin A.S., Kharybin O.N., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2017. Humic Substances as a Source of Novel Agents against TEM-1 beta-Lactamase //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 75.
- Zherebker A.Ya., Podgorski D., Kholodov V.A., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Kharybin O.N., Kholodov A., Spencer R.G.M., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2017. Molecular Composition of Permafrost Organic Matter Derived from Arctic Soil Cores //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 77.
- Cieschi M.T., Volkov D.S., Polyakov A.Yu., Lebedev V.A., Shlyachtin O., Lucena J.J., Perminova I.V. 2017. Importance of Particle Size in Synthesis of Iron Humate Fertilizers //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 93-94.
- Fedoros E.I., Orlov A., Zherebker A.Ya., Izotova E.I., Perminova I.V., Gubareva E. 2017. Results of Simulation of Biological Activity of the Novel Polyphenolic Ligand of BP-C Family Drugs (in vitro and in silico) //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 95.
- Filippova O.I., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2017. Mitigating Activity of Humic Substances under Water Deficiency Condition: Role of Phenolic Moieties //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 96.
- Filippova O.I., Ziganshina A.R., Safronova N.A., Kholodov V.A., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Yudina A., Volikov A.B., Perminova I.V., Kulikova N.A. 2017. Improving Soil Properties by Silsesquioxane Humic Systems //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 98.
- Grigoryeva I.O., Kulikova N.A., Volikov A.B., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2017. Synthesis of Nature-mimicking Silver Nanoparticles in the Presence Humic Substances of Different Origin //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 103.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Lebedev V.A., Rumyantsev A., Zherebker A.Ya., Shirshin E.N., Perminova I.V. 2017. There's Plenty of Room... Between Humic Branches. Nanoparticles Synthesis Using Humic Substances //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 124.
- Ziganshina A.R., Filippova O.I., Yudina A., Kholodov V.A., Volikov A.B., Perminova I.V., Kulikova N.A. 2017. Ameliorating Properties of Silsesquioxane Humic Systems: a Model Experiment //
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies
"From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017). Book of Abstracts.
Lomonosov MSU, October 15 - 21, 2017. P. 141.
- Klammer H., Hatfield K., Newman M.A., Cho J., Annable M.D., Parker B.L., Cherry J.A., Perminova I.V. 2016. A new device for characterizing fracture networks and measuring groundwater and contaminant fluxes in fractured rock aquifers // Water Resources Research, 52(7), 5400-5420. DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018389
- Kulikova N.A., Filippova O.I., Volikov A.B., Perminova I.V. 2016. Slow nitrogen release from humic substances modified with aminoorganosilanes // Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1507-1
- Zherebker A.Ya, Kostyukevich Yu I., Kononikhin A.S., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2016. Molecular compositions of humic acids extracted from leonardite and lignites as determined by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass-spectrometry // Mendeleev Commun., 26, 446-448. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2016.09.028
- Shirshin E.A., Budylin G.S., Grechischeva N.Yu, Fadeev V.V., Perminova I.V. 2016. Experimental evidence of incomplete fluorescence quenching of pyrene bound to humic substances: implications for Koc measurements // Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 15, 889-895. DOI: 10.1039/C6PP00052E
- Chernysheva M.G., Myasnikov I.Yu., Badun G.A., Matorin D.N., Gabbasova D.T., Konstantinov A.I., Korobkov V.I., Kulikova N.A. 2016. Humic substances alter the uptake and toxicity of nanodiamonds in wheat seedlings // Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1564-5
- Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Filimonov I.S., Koroleva O.V., Konstantinov A.I. 2016. Long-term kinetics study and quantitative characterization of the antioxidant capacities of humic and humic-like substances // Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1538-710.1007/s11368-016-1538-7
- Zherebker A.Ya., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Kononikhin A.S., Roznyatovsky V.A., Popov I.A., Grishin Yu.K., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2016. High desolvation temperature facilitates the ESI-source H/D exchange at non-labile sites of hydroxybenzoic acids and aromatic amino acids // Analyst, 141(8), 2426-2434. DOI: 10.1039/C5AN02676H
- Kulikova N.A., Abroskin D.P., Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Korobkov V.I., Beer A.S., Tsvetkova E.A., Senik S.V., Klein O.I., Perminova I.V. 2016. Label Distribution in Tissues of Wheat Seedlings Cultivated with Tritium-Labeled Leonardite Humic Acid // Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 28869. DOI: 10.1038/srep28869
- Volikov A.B., Ponomarenko S.A., Gutsche A., Nirschl H., Hatfield K., Perminova I.V. 2016. Targeted design of water-based humic substances-silsesquioxane soft materials for nature-inspired remedial applications // RSC Advances, 53(6), 48222-48230. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA08636E
- Volikov A.B., Ponomarenko S.A., Konstantinov A.I., Hatfield K., Perminova I.V. 2016. Nature-like solution for removal of direct brown 1 azo dye from aqueous phase using humics-modified silica gel // Chemosphere, 145, 83-88. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.11.070
- Volikov A.B., Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Philippova O.I., Ponomarenko S.A., Lasareva E.V., Parfyonova A.M., Hatfield K., Perminova I.V. 2016. Silanized humic substances act as hydrophobic modifiers of soil separates inducing formation of water-stable aggregates in soils // Catena, 137, 229-236. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2015.09.022
- Zherebker A.Ya., Perminova I.V., Konstantinov A.I., Volikov A.B., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Kononikhin A.S., Nikolaev E.N.. 2016. Extraction of Humic Substances from Fresh Waters on Solid-Phase Cartridges and Their Study by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry // J. An. Chem., 71(4), 372-378. DOI: 10.1134/S1061934816040109
- Vozhdaeva M.Yu.,Wagner E.V., Cantor L.I., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V., Cantor E.A., Trukhanova N.V., Melnitsky I.A. 2016. Molecular-mass distribution of dissolved organic matter of water sources and drinking water of Ufa // Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin, 71(4), 277–282. DOI: 10.3103/S0027131416040106
- Abros'kin D.P., Fuentes M., Garcia-Mina J.M., Klyain O.I., Senik S.V., Volkov D.S., Perminova I.V., Kulikova N.A. 2016. The effect of humic acids and their complexes with iron on the functional status of plants grown under iron deficiency // Eurasian Soil Science, 49(10), 1099-1108. DOI: 10.1134/S1064229316100021
- Perminova I.V., Volikov A.B., Fedorova E., Ponomarenko S.A., Pankratov D.A., Hatfield K. 2016. Rational design of humics-based remedial agents for Installation of injectable permeable reactive barriers embedded with nano zero-valent iron // 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, March, 13-17.
- Perminova I.V. 2016. On the path forward to molecular systematics of non-living organic matter // 18th International Conference of International Humic Substances Society. Kanazawa, Japan. O1-7.
- Koroleva O., Klein O., Filimonov I., Kulikova N., Konstantinov A. 2016. Kinetics study of the antioxidant capacities of humic and humic-like substances // 18th International Conference of International Humic Substances Society. Kanazawa, Japan. O4-4.
- Konstantinov A.I., Grishim Yu K., Savinykh M.I., Perminova I.V. 2016. Compositional study of mumiyo NOM using CHN elemental analysis and solution-state one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy // 18th International Conference of International Humic Substances Society. Kanazawa, Japan. P-17.
- Volikov A.B., Kulikova N.A., Filippova O.I., Perminova I.V. 2016. Increasing of Water-stability of Soils Aggregates by Water-based humic substances-silsesquioxane soft materials // 18th International Conference of International Humic Substances Society. Kanazawa, Japan. P-85.
- Zherebker A.Ya., Airapetyan D.V., Konstantinov A.I., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Kononikhin A.S., Popov I.A., Zaitsev K.V., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2015. Synthesis of Model Humic Substances by Oxidative Coupling of Phenylpropanoic Monomer and Hydroquinone: Mechanistic Study Using Controllable H/D Exchange and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry // Analyst, 140, 4708-4719. DOI: 10.1039/C5AN00602C
- Kholodov V.A., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2015. Preparative Yield and Properties of Humic Acids Obtained by Sequential Alkaline Extractions // Eurasian Soil Science, 48 (10), 1101-1109. DOI: 10.1134/S1064229315100051
- Perminova I.V., Dubinenkov I.V., Kononikhin A.S., Konstantinov A.I., Zherebker A.Ya., Andzhushev M.M., Lebedev V.A., Bulygina E., Holmes R.M., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Popov I.A., Nikolaev E.N. 2014. Molecular Mapping of Sorbent Selectivities with Respect to Isolation of Arctic Dissolved Organic Matter as Measured by Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry // Environ. Sci. Technol., 48(13), 7461-7468. DOI: 10.1021/es5015423
- Shcherbina N.S., Kalmykov S.N., Karpiouk L.A., Ponomarenko S.A., Hatfield K., Haire R., Perminova I.V. 2014. Nonreversible Immobilization of Water-Borne Plutonium onto Self-Assembled Adlayers of Silanized Humic Materials // Environ. Sci. Technol., 48(4), 2226-2233. DOI: 10.1021/es404583f
- Kulikova N.A., Badun G.A., Korobkov V.I., Chernysheva M.G., Tsvetkova E.A., Abroskin D.P., Konstantinov A.I., Zaitchik B.T., Ruzhitsky A.O., Perminova I.V. 2014. Accumulation of coal humic acids by wheat seedlings: Direct evidence using tritium autoradiography and occurrence in lipid fraction // J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 177(6), 875-883. DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201300648
- Kostyukevich Yu.I., Kononikhin A.S., Popov I.A., Perminova I.V., Konstantinov A.I., Nikolaev E.N. 2013. Enumeration of labile hydrogens in natural organic matter by use of hydrogen/deuterium exchange Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance mass spectrometry // Analytical Chemistry, 85 (22), 11007-11013.
- Fedorova T.V., Shakhova N.V., Klein O.I., Glazunova O.A., Maloshenok L.G., Kulikova N.A., Psurtseva N.V., Koroleva O.V. 2013. Comparative analysis of the ligninolytic potential of basidiomycetes belonging to different taxonomic and ecological groups // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 49(6), 570-580.
- Kulikova N.A., Davidchik V.N., Tsvetkova E.A., Koroleva O.V. 2013. Interaction of Coal Humic Acids with Fungal Laccase // Advances in Microbiology, 3, 145-153.
- Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Filippova O.I., Fedorova T.V., Maloshenok L.G., Filimonov I.S., Koroleva O.V. 2013. Obtaining and Characteristics of Biologically Active Products of Brown Coal Solubilization by White Mold Basidial Fungi // Biotekhnologia, 4, 65-83 (in Russian).
- Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Konstantinov A.I., Fedorova T.V., Landesman E.O., Koroleva O.V. 2013.
Transformation of Humic Substances of Highly Oxidized Brown Coal by Basidiomycetes Trametes hirsuta and Trametes maxima //
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 49 (3), 287-295. DOI: 10.1134/S0003683813030101
- Klein O.I., Isakova E.P., Deryabina Yu.I., Kulikova N.A., Koroleva O.I. 2013 Reactive oxygen species signaling in realization of adaptation to nutrient restriction of Basidiomycetes Trametes maxima // Proc. of Int. Conf. Receptors and intracellular signaling. May 27-30, OOO ID V. Ema, Pushchino, v. 2, p. 677-681 (in Russian).
- Polyakov A.Yu., Sorkina T.A., Goldt A.E., Pankratov D.A., Perminova I.V., Goodilin E.A. 2013.
Moessbauer spectroscopy of frozen solutions as a stepwise control tool in preparation of biocompatible humic-stabilized feroxyhyte nanoparticles //
Hyperfine Interactions (Springer), 219 (1-3), 113-120. DOI: 10.1007/s10751-013-0812-y
- Sorkina T.A., Polyakov A.Yu., Kulikova N.A., Goldt A.E., Philippova O.I., Aseeva A.A., Veligzhanin A.A., Zubavichus Ya.V., Pankratov D.A., Goodilin E.A., Perminova I.V. 2013.
Nature-inspired soluble iron-rich humic compounds: new look at the structure and properties //
Journal of Soils and Sediments, May 2013, 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-013-0688-0
- Karpiouk L.A., Perminova I.V., Kalmykov S.N. 2013. The alkoxy humic derivative preparation for the sorption of Np(V) and Pu(V) // Voprosy atomnoy nauki i tekhniki. "Materialovedenie i novye materialy" Series, 1 (74), 148-158 (in Russian).
- Kulikova N.A., Philippova O.I., Bychkova Ya.S., Volikov A.B., Perminova I.V. 2013. Nitrogen release from natural and aminoorganosilane-modified humic substances // Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds.). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London. Jointly published with Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 (print), ISBN 978-94-007-5634-2 (eBook). Part III. pp. 465-469. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_84
- Kulikova N.A., Abroskin D.P., Beer A.S., Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Korobkov V.I, Perminova I.V. 2013. Endodermis is the major control point for radial transport of humic substances into vascular system of plant // Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds.). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London. Jointly published with Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 (print), ISBN 978-94-007-5634-2 (eBook). Part VI, pp. 873-876. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_159
- Konstantinov A.I., Vladimirov G.N., Grigoryev A.S., Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2013. Molecular Composition Study of Mumijo from Different Geographic Areas Using Size-Exclusion Chromatography, NMR Spectroscopy, and High-Resolution Mass-Spectrometry // Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds.). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London. Jointly published with Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 (print), ISBN 978-94-007-5634-2 (eBook). Part I. pp. 283-287. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_52
- Volikov A.B., Lebedev V.A., Lazareva E.V., Parfenova A.M., Ponomarenko S.A., Perminova I.V. 2013. Morphology and Hydrophobicity of Humic Coatings on Glass as Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Contact Angle Measurements // Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds.). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London. Jointly published with Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 (print), ISBN 978-94-007-5634-2 (eBook). Part I. pp. 289-293. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_53
- Shirshin E.A., Budylin G.S., Grechischeva N.Yu., Fadeev V.V., Perminova I.V. 2013. A Novel Fluorescence Spectroscopy Approach to Characterization of Interaction between Humic Substances and Pyrene: Determination of Environmental Polarity // Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds.). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London. Jointly published with Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 (print), ISBN 978-94-007-5634-2 (eBook). Part IV. pp. 685-689. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_124
- Perminova I.V. 2013. Humic Substances Assisted Synthesis of Nanoparticles in the Nature and in the Lab // Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds.). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London. Jointly published with Zhejiang University Press. ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 (print), ISBN 978-94-007-5634-2 (eBook). Part V. pp. 735-740. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_133
- Kholodov V.A. 2013. The capacity of soil particles for spontaneous formation of macroaggregates after a wetting-drying cycle // Eurasian Soil Science, 46(6), 660-667. DOI: 10.1134/S1064229313040078
- Matorin D.N., Alekseev A.A. 2013. Chlorophyll fluorescence for biodiagnostics of plants. - Moscow-Yakutsk, 362 p. (Contents in Russian).
- Tschukina V.D., Grechischeva N.Yu., Kholodov V.A., Kain M.S., Perminova I.V. 2013. The effect of artificial humic-clay complexes on oil-mineral aggregate formation: visualization using epi-fluorescent confocal microscopy // International Symposium "Nanomaterials and Environment". - Moscow, June 13-14, p. 19.
- Volikov A.B., Ponomarenko S.A., Pankratov D.A., Perminova I.V. 2013. Humic Substances and Their Silanol Derivatives in Remediation Technologies // International Symposium "Nanomaterials and Environment". - Moscow, June 13-14, p.20.
- Matorin D.N., Todorenko D.A., Zayadan B.K., Kulikova N.A. 2013. The effect of silver nanoparticles on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in microalgae // International Symposium "Nanomaterials and Environment". - Moscow, June 13-14, p.21.
- Konstantinov A.I., Lebedev V., Perminova I.V. 2013. Structural study of dissolved organic matter
isolated from surface water and permafrost sources of Kolyma river basin
(North-Eastern Siberia, Russia) // X Encontro Brasileiro de Substâncias Húmicas, 14-18 de Outubro.
- Santo Antônio de Goiás, Brasília, p. 274-276.
- Matorin D.N., Todorenko D.A., Lenbaum V.V., Zayadan B.K. 2013.
The effect of silver nanoparticles on photosynthesis in green algae Clamydomonas reinhardtii // KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. №3/1, 274-276. (in Russian)
- Konstantinov A.I., Vladimirov G.N., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2013. Comparative structural studies of mumiyo samples from different geographic locations using solution state C-13 NMR spectroscopy and high resolution mass-spectrometry // Organic Geochemistry: Trends for the 21st Century. - Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Spain, vol. 1, p. 240-241.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Perminova I.V., Pankratov D.A., Goodilin E.A., Tretyakov Y.D. 2012. Constrained growth of anisotropic magnetic delta-FeOOH nanoparticles in the presence of humic substances // Cryst. Eng. Comm., 14, 8097-8102. DOI: 10.1039/C2CE25886B
- Karpiouk L.A., Ponomarenko S.A., Mourran A., Bochkariov D., Muzafarov A.M., Hatfield K., Perminova I.V. 2012. Self-assembly of alkoxysilanized humic substances into multidomain adlayers at water-solid interface: linking surface morphology to molecular structures of adsorbate // Soft Matter, 8, 2452-2459. DOI: 10.1039/C2SM06582G
- Perminova I.V., Karpiouk L.A., Ponomarenko S.A., Hatfield K., Konstantinov A.I., Hertkorn N., Muzafarov A.M. 2012. Controlling aqueous sorption of humic substances on silica gel by directed alkoxysilyl-derivatization of their functionalities // Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 396, 224-232.
- Kogut B.M., Sysuev S.A., Kholodov V.A. 2012. Water stability and labile humic substances of typical chernozems under different land uses // Eurasian Soil Science, 45(5), 496-502.
- Abroskin D.P., Korobkov V.I., Beer A.S., Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2012. Visualization of Humic Acids Penetration in Higher Plants Vascular System Using Tritium Autoradiography // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 3.
- Dubinenkov I.V., Kononikhin A.S., Andzhushev M.M., Kazachkov M.A., Popov I.A., Bulygina K., Holmes M., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2012. Comparative Study on Molecular Profiles of the DOM Isolated from the Kolyma River in the Russian Arctic Using XAD-8 resin, DEAE-Cellulose, PPL-, and C18 - Cartridges // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 12.
- Goodilin E.A., Semenova A.A., Goldt A.E., Brazhe N.A., Maximov G.V., Perminova I.V. 2012. Soft Chemistry in Preparation of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Nanoparticles // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. Moscow, MSU, p. 17.
- Grechishcheva N.Yu., Parfenova A.M., Lasareva E.V., Kholodov V.A., Perminova I.V. 2012. Stabilization of Oil-in-water Emulsions Using Organoclays Consisting of Kaolin Modified with Humic Substances: Remedial Prospects // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 18.
- Kholodov V.A., Konstantinov A.I., Tschukina V.D., Milanovskiy E.Yu., Perminova I.V. 2012. Contact Angles of Humic Substances are Complexes with 1:1 and 1:2 Clay Minerals // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 22.
- Kononikhin A.S., Dubinenkov I.V., Kostyukevich Yu.I., Popov I.A., Podgorski D., McKenna A., Marshall A.G., Nikolaev E.N., Perminova I.V. 2012. Comparative Studies of the Kolyma River and Permafrost DOM Using FTICR MS // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 25.
- Konstantinov A.I., Kudryavtsev A.V., Stukalov P.M., Alexandrova O.N., Perminova I.V. 2012. Complex Analytical Study of NOM with an Example of Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from Lake Waters of Ural Region // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 26.
- Kulikova N.A., Tsvetkova E.A., Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Perminova I.V. 2012. Unexpected Role of Humic Acids in Wax Biosynthesis of Higher Plants // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 28.
- Philippova O.I., Kulikova N.A., Bychkova Ya., Volikov A.B., Perminova I.V. 2012. Influence of Peat Humic Substances and Their Si-Derivatives on Soil Structure // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 43.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Sorkina T.A., Pankratov D.A., Goldt A.E., Perminova I.V., Goodilin E.A. 2012. Mechanism of Humic-Stabilized Feroxyhyte Nanoparticles Formation: Moessbauer Study of Frozen Multicomponent Reaction Mixture // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 44.
- Shirshin E.A., Budylin G.S., Perminova I.V., Grechishcheva N.Yu., Fadeev V.V. 2012. Molecular Weight of Humic Substances: Correlation with Fluorescence Quenching of Pyrene // Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. - Moscow, MSU, p. 51.
- Volikov A.B., Ponomarenko S.A., Hatfield K., Perminova I.V. 2012. Self-Assembly of Silanol Derivatives of Humic Substances into Nanocoatings and Its Remedial Applications. Second International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "Natural and engineered nanoparticles in clean water and soil technologies". Abstracts. Moscow, MSU, p. 57.
- Abroskin D.P., Klein O.I. 2012. Using the tritium autoradiography method to visualize the distribution of humic acids in plant tissues // XIX Conference for young scientists "Lomonosov". Chemistry section, p. 406.
- Grechischeva N.Yu., Pan' H., Budylin G.S., Perminova I.V., Mescheryakov S.V. 2011. Investigation of binding properties of modified humic preparations with respect to pyrene in homogeneous and heterogenic phase // Environmental protection in oil-gas industry, 6, 24-29 (In Russian).
- Kholodov V.A., Konstantinov A.I., Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V. 2011. Structure of humic acids in zonal soils from 13C NMR data // Eurasian Soil Science, 44(9), p. 976-983.
- Kulikova N.A., Klein O.I., Stepanova E.V., Koroleva O.V. 2011. Use of Basidiomycetes in Industrial Waste Processing and Utilization Technologies: Fundamental and Applied Aspects (Review) // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 47(6), 565-579.
- Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Sof'in A.V., Philippova O.I., Landesman E.O., Koroleva O.V. 2011. Influence of basidiomycota-based bio-products on radish yield and quality // Problemy agrokhimii I ekologii, 3, 36-39 (in Russian).
- Kulikova N.A., Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Tsvetkova E.A., Konstantinov A.I., Korobkov V.I., Klein O.I., Stepanova E.V., Koroleva O.V., Perminova I.V. 2011. Labeling natural physiologically active substances of non-stoichiometric structure and heterogenic composition with tritium: prospects for biological studies. // Abstract Book of the Scietific Conference Biologically active substances: fundamental and applied problems. Novy Svet, AR Crimea, Ukraine, May 23-28, p. 282.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Sorkina T.A., Goldt A.E., Perminova I.V., Goodilin E.A. 2011. Application of natural polyelectrolytes in synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles // Abstract Book of the XIX Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry, September 25-30, Volgograd, Russia. V. 2. Chemistry and technology of materials, including nanomaterials, р. 468.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Sorkina T.A., Goldt A.E., Perminova I.V., Goodilin E.A. 2011. Macromolecules of humic substances for synthesis of bio-compatible magnetic hydrozols based on anisotropic nanoparticles of iron oxohydroxides // Abstract Book of the All-Russian school-conference for young scientists "Macromolecular nanoobjects and polymer nanocomposites", Oct. 23-28, Moscow region, hotel "Soyuz", p. 41 (in Russian).
- Sorkina T.A., Polyakov A.Yu., Pankratov D.A., Perminova I.V. 2011. Application of Moessbauer spectroscopy for study of green rust stabilized with humic substances // Abstract Book of the XIX Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry, September 25-30, Volgograd, Russia. V. 4. Chemistry aspects of modern energy and alternative energy resources. Chemistry of fossil and renewable hydrocarbon raw materials. Analytical chemistry: novel methods and devices for chemical research and analysis. Chemical education, p. 217.
- Klein O.I., Isakova E.P., Deryabina Yu.I., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Koroleva O.V. 2011. Assesssment of cell respiration of Basidiomycete Trametes maxima // Proc. of Int. school-conference of young scientists "Forestry molecular biology and biotechnology", September 12-18, Bryansk State Academy, p. 80-81 (in Russian).
- Korolev A.V., Ivanov Yu.V., Landesman E.O., Stepanova E.V., Kulikova N.A. 2011. The study of protective properties of bacteria from genus Bacillus // Proc. of Int. school-conference of young scientists "Forestry molecular biology and biotechnology", September 12-18, Bryansk State Academy, p. 85-86 (in Russian).
- Korolev A.V., Ivanov Yu.V., Philippova O.I., Kulikova N.A. 2011. The effect of bacterial preparations on sowing qualities of Pinus sylvestris seeds // Proc. of Int. school-conference of young scientists "Forestry molecular biology and biotechnology", September 12-18, Bryansk State Academy, p. 87-88 (in Russian).
- Stepanova E.V., Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Koroleva O.V. 2011. Use of basidiomycetes in industrial wastes processing and utilization technologies // Proc. of Int. school-conference of young scientists "Forestry molecular biology and biotechnology", September 12-18, Bryansk State Academy, p. 102-103 (in Russian).
- Abroskin D.P. 2011. A use of tritium labeled humic substances for quantitative evaluation of their uptake by plants // All-Russian conference "Radiochemistry sience of the present and the future", Dept. of Chemistry of Lomonosov MSU, April 13-15, p. 41 (in Russian).
- Andzhushev M.M., Dubinenkov I.V., Holmes R.M., Hatfield K., Perminova I.V., Bulygina E.B., Konstantinov A.I. 2011. Isolation of Diverse Structural Compartments of Natural Organic Matter from the Kolyma River Watershed in East Siberian Arctic Using DEAE-Cellulose, XAD-8 Resin, C18 and PPL Cartridges // American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, abstract #B33D-0498.
- Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Tyasto Z.A., Kulikova N.A., Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V. 2010. A new technique for tritium labeling of humic substances // Radiochim. Acta, 98, 161-166. DOI: 10.1524/ract.2010.1695
- Sorkina T.A., Kulikova N.A., Filippova O.I., Pankratov D.A., Perminova I.V., Petrosian V.S. 2010. Correctors of Iron deficiency in plants on a base of coal humic acids: preparation and use // Ekologiya i promyshlennost', Feb. 2010, 33-36 (in Russian).
- Kogut B.M., Schulz E., Titova N.A., Kholodov V.A. 2010. Organic matter of granulodencimetric fractions of virgin and arable chernozems // Agrochimiya, 8, 3-9 (in Russian).
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V., Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Koroleva O.V., Tsvetkova E.A. 2010. Estimation of uptake of humic substances from different sources by Escherichia coli cells under optimum and salt stress conditions by use of tritium-labeled humic materials // Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 6(18), 6223-6230. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00905-10
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Davydova G.A., Goodilin E.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Synthesis of biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles with various micromorphology and their stabilization using humic acids // Prospective materials, 9, 204-210.
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. A Comparative Study of Elemental Composition of Water-Soluble Humic Substances, Humic Acids, and Fulvic Acids Extracted from Sod-Podzolic Soils // Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin, 65(4), 151-154.
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V., and Kudryavtsev A V. 2010. A Comparative Study of Molecular Weight Distribution of Water-Soluble Humic Substances, Humic Acids, and Fulvic Acids Extracted from Sod-Podzolic Soils // Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin, 65(4), 155-158.
- Kunenkov E.V., Kononihin A.S., Perminova I.V., Garmash A.V., Popov I.A., Nikolaev E.N. 2010. Optimization of Ionization Conditions for Analysis of Humic Substances from Natural Waters Using Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (ESI FTICR MS) // Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin, 65(5), 300-303.
- Garanin E.M., Zelikman V.M., Philippova O.I., Kulikova N.A., Sorkina T.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Synthesis of bioavailable zinc-humic compounds // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p.13.
- Grigoryev A., Kononikhin A., Perminova I., Nikolaev E. 2010. Transhumus: Integrated software solution for interpretation of FT-ICR mass spectra of natural organic matter // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 17.
- Kazachkov M.A., Dubinenkov I.V., Kononikhin A.S., Popov I.A., Perminova I.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2010 Optimization of electrospray ionization conditions for more informative mass spectra in structural research of HS for applications in medicine // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 22.
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Detoxifying Ability of Quinonoid-Enriched Humic Acids with Respect to Copper // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 23.
- Konstantinov A.I., Dubinenkov I.V., Perminova I.V., Kunenkov E.V., Hertkorn N., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph., Fedoros E.I., Anikin I.V. 2010. Structural Study of Oxidized Lignin Samples using Size-Exclusion Chromatography, NMR Spectroscopy and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p.26.
- Kornilaeva G.V., Perminova I.V., Karamov E.V. 2010. Humic substances as active anti-HIV components for microbicides // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 27
- Kulikova N., Badun G., Chernysheva M., Tsvetkova E., Konstantinov A., Korobkov V., Perminova I.V. Klein O., Stepanova E., Koroleva O. 2010. A New Method for Labeling Humic Substances with Tritium: Future Prospects for Biological Studies // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 28.
- Philippova O., Lebedeva G., Kulikova N., Kholodov V., Kudryavtsev A., Perminova I. 2010. Beneficial Effect of Coal Humic Acids and Their Si-enriched Derivative Towards Potatos // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 31.
- Philippova O., Volikov A., Zhelezova S., Berezovsky E., Abroskin D., Kulikova N., Perminova I. 2010. Mitigating Impact of Coal Humic Acids and Their Si-enriched Derivative on Wheat Yield under Nitrogen Deficiency Conditions // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 32.
- Polyakov A., Sorkina T., Goldt A., Goodilin E., Perminova I. 2010. Synthesis of Biocompatible Feroxyhyte (delta-FeOOH) Magnetic Nanoparticles Using in situ Stabilization with Polyfunctional Humic Macroligands // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 33.
- Sorkina T., Veligzhanin A., Zubavichus Y., Pankratov D., Perminova I. 2010. Stabilization of Iron (II) Species in Humic Based Nanocomposite as Shown by XAFS and Moessbauer Spectroscopy // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 39.
- Vladimirov G., Grigoryev A., Kononikhin A., Hertkorn N., Konstantinov A., Perminova I., Popov I., Nikolaev E. 2010. Combination of high resolution mass-spectrometry (FT-ICR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for analysis of mumijo (shilajit) // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 43.
- Volikov A.B., Dubinenkov I.V., Garanin E.M., Kholodov V.A., Zherebker A.Ya., Andzhushev M.M., Ponomarenko S.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Synthesis of Adhesive Silanol Derivatives and Their Sorption onto Mineral Support // Abstract Book of the First International Conference on Humics-based Innovative Technologies "Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies", November 4-8, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, p. 44.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Sorkina T.A., Goldt A.E., Goodilin A.E., Perminova I.V. In situ stabilization of magnetic nanoparticles of feroxyhite using humic acids // Abstract Book of the X conf. of young scientists "Modern Problem of Inorganic Chemistry: nanomaterials and human health". Oct. 29-31, 2010, Zvenigorod, p. 50 (in Russian).
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles feroxigite feroxyhite (delta-FeOOH) stabilized by humic acids // Abstract Book of the Second All-Russian Workshop Conf of young scientists "Macromolecular nanoobjects and polymer noanocomposites". Oct. 24-29, Moscow Region, hotel "Soyuz", p. 47 (in Russian).
- Sorkina T., Goldt A., Polyakov A., Dubov A., Toth I., Hajdu A., Goodilin E., Tombacz E., Perminova I. 2010. Protolytic Properties of Alkoxysilylated versus Natural Humic Materials Aimed at Use as Stabilizers for Magnetic Fluids // XV Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 27 June - 2 July. Proceeding, Vol. 3, p. 371-374.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Goodilin E.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Stabilization of Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles with Different Morphology in Aqueous Suspensions Using Humic Substances // XV Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 27 June - 2 July. Proceeding, Vol. 3, p. 363-366.
- Konstantinov A.I., Latyshev N.S., Ivkin P.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Ratio of Color to Chemical Oxygen Demand as an Indicator of Quality of Dissolved Organic Matter in Surface Waters // XV Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 27 June - 2 July. Proceeding, Vol. 3, p. 73-76.
- Konstantinov A.I., Trukhanova E.V., Vozhdaeva M.Yu., Kantor L.I., Perminova I.V. 2010. UV-Vis Spectrometry and Size-Exclusion Chromatography Study of Seasonal Dynamics of Quality of Dissolved Organic Matter // XV Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 27 June - 2 July. Proceeding, Vol. 3, p. 77-80.
- Badun G.A., Chernysheva M.G., Konstantinova A.I., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Radionuclide Diagnostics of Hydrophobicity and Surface Activity of Humic Substances // XV Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 27 June - 2 July. Proceeding, Vol. 2, p. 155-157.
- Konstantinov, A.I., Dubinenkov I.V., Perminova, I.V., Kunenkov, E.V., Hertkorn, N., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph. Analysis of Humic-Substances Like Materials from Oxidized Lignin using Size-Exclusion Chromatography, NMR Spectroscopy, and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectroscopy // Abstract Book of the Fourth All-Russian Conference "Fundamental issues of mass spectrometry and its analytical application" Oct. 10-14, Zvenigorod, p. 149-150.
- Klein O.I., Nikolaev O.I., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Koroleva O.V. 2010. Estimation of antioxidant capacity of humic and humic-like substances // Abstract Book of the VIII Int. Conf. Bioantixidant. Dept. of chemistry and material science, RFBR, N.M. Emmanuel Institute of biochemical physics of RAS, N.N. Semenov Institute of chemical physics of RAS, Oct. 4-6, 2010, Moscow, p. 206-207 (in Russian).
- Philippova O.I., Lebedeva G.F., Kulikova N.A., Kholodov V.A., Karpiouk L.A., perminova I.V. 2010. Biological activity of sililated potassium humate in relation to potato under small-plot conditions // Abstract Book of conf. "Humic substances and phytohormones in agriculture. Radostim-2009". Dnipropetrovsk, Feb. 16-18, p. 97-98 (in Russian).
- Klein O.I., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Koroleva O.I. Biotransformation of coal-derived humic acids by Basidiomycetes // Abstract Book of conf. "Humic substances and phytohormones in agriculture. Radostim-2009". Dnipropetrovsk, Feb. 16-18, p. 44-45.
- Aseeva A., Sorkina T.A., Perminova I.V., Pankratov D.A. Iron salycilate as a model chelate to study iron humate structure // Abstract Book of conf. "Humic substances and phytohormones in agriculture. Radostim-2009". Dnipropetrovsk, Feb. 16-18, p. 42-43 (in Russian).
- Dubinenkov I.V., Volikov A.B., Garanin E.M., Kholodov V.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. Sorption of the silicon-containing humic derivatives on mineral surfaces // Proc. of the V All-Russian conference "Humic substances in the biosphere". - Sankt-Petersburg, March 1-4, vol. I, p. 238-242 (in Russian).
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Goodilin E.A., Perminova I.V. 2010. The study of stabilization suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles with different morphologies using humic acids // Proc. of the V All-Russian conference "Humic substances in the biosphere". - Sankt-Petersburg, March 1-4, vol. I, p. 432-438 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V., Konstantinov A.I., Kunenkov E.V., Gaspar A., Schmitt-Copplin P., Hertkorn N., Kulikova N.A., Hatfield K. 2009. Chapter 13. Separation Technology as a Powerful Tool for Unfolding Molecular Complexity of Natural Organic Matter and Humic Substances // Biophysico-Chemical Processes Involving Natural Organic Matter in Environmental Systems. Wiley-IUPAC Series in Biophysico-Chemical Processes in Environmental Systems. - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Editors: N. Senesi, B. Xing, P.M. Huang. P. 487-538.
- Kholodov V.A., Konstantinov A.I., Belyaeva E.Yu., Kulikova N.A., Kiryushin A.V., Perminova I.V. 2009. Structure of Humic Acids Isolated by Sequential Alkaline Extraction from a Typical Chernozem // Eurasian Soil Science, 42(10), 1095-1100.
- Badun G.A., Kulikova N.A, Chernysheva M.G., Tyasto Z.A., Korobkov V.I., Fedoseev V.M., Tsvetkova E.A., Konstantinov A.I., Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V. 2009. Tritium Labeling: A Unique Tool for Studying the Behavior of Humic Substances in Living Systems // Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin, 64(5), 276-281.
- Chekanova A.E., Sorkina T.A., Nikiforov V.N., Davidova G.A., Selezneva I.I., Goodilin E.A., Dubov A.L., Trusov L.A., Korolev V.V., Aref'ev I.M., Perminova I.V., Tretyakov Y.D. 2009. New environmental nontoxic agents for the preparation of core-shell magnetic nanoparticles // Mendeleev Commun., 19, 1-4.
- Kholodov V.A., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2009. The Carbon Distribution among the Functional Groups of Humic Acids Isolated by Sequential Alkaline Extraction from Gray Forest Soil // Eurasian Soil Science, 42(11), 1320-1324.
- Gaspar A., Kunenkov E.V., Lock R., Desor M., Perminova I., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph. 2009. Combined utilization of ion mobility and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry to identify multiply charged constituents in natural organic matter // Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 23, 683-688.
- Kunenkov E.V., Kononikhin A.S., Perminova I.V., Hertkorn N., Gaspar A., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph., Popov I.A., Garmash A.V., Nikolaev E.N. 2009. Total Mass Difference Statistics Algorithm: A New Approach to Identification of High-Mass Building Blocks in Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Mass Spectrometry Data of Natural Organic Matter // Anal. Chem., 81, 10106-10115.
- Perminova I.V. 2009. Knowledge-based design and innovative application of "green chemistry" products from humic materials // Joint bilateral scientific seminar of RFBR and NNSF of China Green Sources of Energy - Biomass Energy. June 2-7, Guangzhou, China, 17-18.
- Polyakov A.Yu., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Davydova G.A., Goodilin E.A., Perminova I.V. 2009. Stabilization of biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles with different morphologies using humic acids // Abstract Book of The All-Russian conference with elements of scientific school for young scientists "Functional nanomaterials and high-purity substances". A.A. Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMET RAN), Nov. 16-20, Moscow, Russia, p. 21-22 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V., Sorkina T.A., Kulikova N.A., Filippova O.I., Volikov A.B., Ponomarenko S.A., Muzafarov A.M. 2009. Innovative products based on humic substances for "green" technologies // The Innovative Projects Exposition "80 years of the Department of Chemistry". Abstract book. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, p. 37-39 (in Russian).
- Sorkina T.A., Pankratov D.A., Aseeva А.А., Perminova I.V. 2009. Application of Mossbauer spectroscopy for the analysis of forms of iron in humic-based preparations // VII National Conference "X-Ray, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons and Electrons for the study of nanosystems and materials. Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive technologies". Kurchatov Institute, November 16-21, Moscow, p. 103 (in Russian).
- Sorkina T., Pankratov D., Philippova O., Kulikova N., Perfiliev Yu., Perminova I. 2009. Study of iron speciation in humic-based iron fertilizers using Moessbauer spectroscopy // International Conference on the Applications of the Moessbauer Effect (ICAME2009), July 19-24, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, p. 112.
- Chekanova A., Sorkina T., Dubov A., Perminova I., Goodilin E., Presnyakov I., Maksimov Yu., Suzdalev I. 2009. Moessbauer spectroscopy study of delta-Fe2O3 nanoparticles modified by humic acids // International Conference on the Applications of the Moessbauer Effect (ICAME2009), July 19-24, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, p. 111.
- Dubov A.L., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A., Goodilin E.A., Perminova I.V., Davydova G.A. 2009. Stabilization of maghemite magnetic nanoparticles using humic acids // Abstract Book of the conference "Nanotechnology in oncology", October 9-10, Moscow, FSO "P.A. Gertsen Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Oncology of Rosmedtechnologies", p. 55-56 (in Russian).
- Dubov A.L., Goldt A.E., Sorkina T.A. 2009. Stabilization of aqua suspensions of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles using natural humic polyelictrolites // Abstracts. The second international competition of scientific papers in nanotechnology for young scientists. Rusnanotech-09. Nanotechnology international forum, October 6-8, Moscow, Expocenter. p. 762-763.
- Sorkina T.A., Philippova O.I. 2009. Influence of different iron-enriched preparations on growth and functional statement of cucumber under Fe-deficiency conditions // Proceedings of XVI International conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov", section Soil Science, p. 90-91 (in Russian).
- Kulikova N.A., Tsvetkova E.A., Badun G.A, Chernysheva M.G. Korobkov V.I., Tyasto Z.A., Perminova I.V. 2009. Uptake of humic substances by wheat plants: preferential accumulation in lipid fraction // Book of abstracts of international scientific conference "Humic Substances in Ecosystems 8", Soporna, Slovakia, September 13-16, p. 28-29.
- Philippova O.I., Sorkina T.A., Kulikova N.A., Zhelezova S.V., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 2009. Biological activity of humic substances ad their Fe-enriched derivatives towards cucumber plats under Fe-deficiency condition // Book of abstracts of international scientific conference "Humic Substances in Ecosystems 8", Soporna, Slovakia, September 13-16, p. 35-36.
- Kulikova N.A., Sorkina T.A., Philippova O.I., Perminova I.V. 2009. Influence of coal humic acids and their complexes with iron on plan photosynthesis under Fe-deficiency conditions // Program and Abstract of the 12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, June 14-17, p. 72.
- Perminova I.V. 2009. Exploring molecular heterogenity within bulk humic substances from terrestrial and aquatic sources using size-fractionation approach. Influence of coal humic acids and their complexes with iron on plan photosynthesis under Fe-deficiency conditions // Program and Abstract of the 12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, June 14-17, p. 23.
- Philippova O.I., Kulikova N.A., Karpiouk L.A., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 2009. Elicitor activity of humic substances and their silica-enriched derivatives // Proceedings of VI Puschino International Environmental Workshop "Ecology 2007: relay race of generations". Moscow Forestry State University Publisher, Moscow, p. 8-11 (in Russian).
- Kogut B.M., Matyusenko N.P., Schulz E., Kiseleva O.V., Kholodov V.A. 2009. Antropogenic transformation of organic matter of typical chernozem aggregates // Proceedings of the III International conference "Resource-saving agriculture on a boundary of XXI century", Russsian State Agrarian Correspondence University, October 27-29, p. 123-126 (in Russian).
- Bezuglova O.S., Perminova I.V., Neganova N.M. 2008. Beneficial Effects of the Complex Humic Microfertilizer Applied to the Ornamental Plum Hessei // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 617-618.
- Chekanova A., Sorkina T., Dubov A., Goodilin E., Kulikova N., Perminova I. 2008. Humic Substances as Stabilizing Agents for Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 585-586..
- Chernysheva M.G., Badun G.A., Perminova I.V., Korobkov V.I., Tyasto Z.A., Belyaeva E.Yu., Kudryavtsev A.V., Tsvetkova E.A., Kulikova N.A. 2008. Radiochemical Approach for Studying Properties of Humic Substances // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 509-512.
- Gaspar A., Kunenkov E.V., Lock R., Desor M., Perminova I., Schmitt-Kopplin, P. 2008. Multiple Charged Constituents in Suwannee River Natural Organic Matter // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. I, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 15-18.
- Karpiouk L.A., Perminova I.V., Ponomarenko S.A., Muzafarov A.M., Hatfield K. 2008. Synthesis of alkoxysilylated humic derivatives with different modification rate capable of self-adhering to mineral surfaces // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 521-524.
- Kholodov V., Novikov A., Goriachenkova N., Kozinskaja I., Perminova I. 2008. Retention of Plutonium on Model Kaolin-Humic Complexes // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 561-562.
- Kononikhin A., Vladimirov G., Kunenkov E., Perminova I., Popov I., Garmash A., Nikolaev E. 2008. Characterization of Mumijo (Shilajit) from Different Regions by FTICR Mass-Spectrometry // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. I, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 103-104.
- Konstantinov A.I., Dubinenkov I.V., Perminova I.V. 2008. Size-exclusion chromatographic study of humic-like substances from oxidized lignin // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. III, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 753-756.
- Kulikova N., Badun G., Kunenkov E., Korobkov V., Tyasto Z., Chernysheva M., Tsvetkova E., Perminova I. 2008. Uptake of Humic Substances by Plants: a Study Using Tritium Autoradiography and FTICR MS Analysis // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 425-426.
- Kulikova N., Kholodov V., Lebedeva G., Philippova O., Kovalenko A., Perminova I. 2008. Detoxifying Ability of Coal Humic Acids and Their Hydroquinone Enriched Derivatives in relation to Copper under Field Conditions // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. III, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 761-765.
- Li S., Kydralieva K., Kulikova N., Perminova I., Jorobekova S. 2008. Synthesis, Biological Activity and Detoxifying Properties of Carbonylated Humic Substances // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 563-566.
- Philippova O.I., Kulikova N.A., Karpiouk L.A., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 2008. Mitigating activity of humic substances and their Si-enriched derivatives in relation to wheat seedlings under salt-stress condition // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 573-576.
- Shcherbina N.S., Perminova I.V., Bolkova A.N., Kovalenko A.N., Kalmykov S.N., Petrosyan V.S. 2008. Interaction of Modified Humic Substances with Np(V): Influence of Monomer Nature on Redox Properties of Humic Substances // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 533-536.
- Sorkina T.A., Kulikova N.A., Necvetay A.M., Philippova O.I., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 2008. Synthesis and use of iron humate for correction of iron chlorosis in higher plants // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 719-720.
- Vladimirov G., Kononikhin A., Kunenkov E., Perminova I., Popov I., Garmash A., Nikolaev E. 2008. Comparison of Mumijo (Shilajit) and Humic Acids (HA) Chemical Composition Using FTICR Mass-Spectrometry // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. I, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 137-138.
- Yashin A.Ya., Fedin P.A., Perminova I.V. 2008. New Express Technique for Determination of Antioxidant Activity of Humic Substances // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 727-728.
- Nikolaev I., Klein O., Kulikova N., Stepanova E., Koroleva O. 2008. Development and validation of antioxidant capacity assessment protocol for humic and humic-like substances // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 441-444.
- Klein O., Stepanova E., Kulikova N., Koroleva O. 2008. Coal biodegradation by basidiomycetes for production of biofertilizers and soil conditioners // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. II, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 663-666.
- Kunenkov E.V., Gaspar A., Kononikhin A.S., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph., Perminova I.V., Garmash A.V., Popov I.A., Nikolaev E.N. 2008. Effective algorithm of charge state determination in electrospray ionization fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectra of humic substances // From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Substances; Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 14-19, Moscow - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Editors: Perminnova I.V., Kulikova N.A., Vol. III, Humus Sapiens, Moscow, p. 765-768.
- Karpiouk L.A., Kalakin А.А., Perminova I.V., Ponomarenko S.A. 2008. Production of methoxylated humic acids using 3-isocyanate propyl trimethoxy silane // Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 49(6), 395-402 (in Russian).
- Kholodov V.A., Butneva I.A., Grechishcheva N.Yu., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2008. Influence of purification modes on structure and yield of humic substances during their extraction from typical chernozem // Agrochemistry Bulletin (Agrokhimicheskii vestnik), 5, 31-33 (in Russian).
- Davidchik V.N., Kulikova N.A., Golubeva L.I., Stepanove E.O., Koroleva O.V. 2008. Coriolus hirsutus Laccase Effect on Atrazine Adsorption and Desorption by Different Types of Soil // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 44(4), 440-445.
- Kholodov V.A., Butneva I.A., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2008. Influence of desalting procedere on yield and structure of humic substances // Proceedings of the II international conference "Adaptaion of biological systems to natural and extreme environmental factors", October 8-11, v. 1, Chelyabinsk, p. 183-187 (in Russian).
- Kholodov V.A., Perminova I.V. 2008. Application of humic substances in nanobiotechnology // Book of materials of All-Russian seminar for students, post-graduate students and young scientists "Nanobiotechnology: problems and perspectives" (Ed. O.E. Lebedeva), Belgorod, December 9-11, Belgorod: Polyterra, p. 24-27 (in Russian).
- Karpiouk L.A., Kalakin A.A., Perminova I.V., Ponomarenko S.A., Muzafarov A.M., Konstantinov A.I., Petrosyan V.S. 2008. Synthesis of methoxysilyl humic derivatives with the use of 3-isocyanatopropyltrimethoxysilane // Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestkin Moscovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 Chemistry, 49(6), 392-399 (in Russian).
- Sorkina T., Perminova I., Kulikova N., Perfiliev Yu., Pankratov D. 2008. Moessbauer spectroscopy studies of iron speciation in the iron humates // Abstracts book of the International Symposium on the Application of the Moessbauer effect, Budapest, Hungary, p. 216.
- Philippova O.I., Kulikova N.A., Lebedeva G.F., Karpiouk L.A., Perminova I.V. 2008. Protective activity of humic substances and their Si-enriched derivatives towards wheat seedlings under salt stress conditions // Materials of the VIII Int. conf. of young scientists dedicated to the 270th anniversary from the date of A.T. Bolotov's birth, Eurasian Forests - Northen Caucasus, Oct. 6-12, vol. 2, p. 104-105 (in Russian and English).
- Kulikova N.A., Tsvetkova E.A., Kholodov V.A., Lebedeva G.F., Badun G.A., Korobkov V.I., Tyasto Z.A., Chernysheva M.G., Perminova I.V. 2008. Protective activity of humic substances and their derivatives ubder abiotic stresses conditions // Materials of the VIII Int. conf. of young scientists dedicated to the 270th anniversary from the date of A.T. Bolotov's birth, Eurasian Forests - Northen Caucasus, Oct. 6-12, vol. 2, p. 86-87 (in Russian and English).
- Davydova G., Chekanova A., Selezneva I., Goodilin E., Sorkina T., Perminova I. 2008. Application of humic acids as stabilizing agent for biocompatible colloids with magnetic nanoparticles // Abstracts book of the All-Russian scientific conference "Nanotechnology in oncology 2008", Moscow, Russia, p. 102 (in Russian).
- Chekanova A., Dubov A., Sorkina T. 2008. Natural magnetic nanoparticles accumulators for biomedical applications // Abstracts of the International competition in scientific papers in nanotechnology for young researches, Rusnanotech, Moscow, Russia, p. 613-614 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V. 2008. Design of humic-based "green" chemicals and biomaterials with tailored properties // Book of abstracts of chemical congress - 2008 "Chemistry for Sustainable Development", May 23-25, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 36-37.
- Kholodov V.A., Konstantinov A.I., Belyaeva E.Yu., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2008. Comparison of humic acids extracted using isolation procedures adopted by Russian scientists and International Humic Substances Society // Abstracts of the V meeting of V.V. Dokuchaev Society of soil scientists "Keep Russian Soils", August 18-22, Rostov-on-Don, p. 89 (in Russian).
- Khasanova, A.B. Kalmykov, St.N., Perminova, I.V., Clark, S.B. 2007. Neptunium redox behavior and sorption onto goethite and hematite in the presence of humic acids with different hydroquinone content // J. Alloys and Compounds, 444-445, 491-494.
- Shcherbina, N.S., Kalmykov, St.N., Perminova, I.V., Kovalenko, A.N. 2007. Reduction of actinides in higher oxidation states by hydroquinone-enriched humic derivatives // J. Alloys and Compounds, 444-445, 518-521.
- Perminova, I.V., Karpiouk, L.A., Shcherbina, N.S., Ponomarenko, S.A., Kalmykov, St.N. Hatfield, K. 2007. Preparation and use of humic coatings covalently bound to silica gel for Np(V) and Pu(V) sequestration // J. Alloys and Compounds, 444-445, 512-517.
- Shcherbina, N.S., Perminova, I.V., Kalmykov, S.N., Kovalenko, A.N., Haire, R.G., Novikov, A.P. 2007. Redox and Complexation Interactions of Neptunium(V) with Quinonoid-Enriched Humic Derivatives // Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(20), 7010-7015.
- Kulikova, N.A. and Perminova, I.V. 2007. Sorption-desorption of atrazine on mineral-bound humic substances related to their structure // Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16, 9a, pp. 1061-1068.
- Koroleva O.V., Kulikova N.A., Alexeeva T.N., Stepanova E.V., Davidchik V.N., Belyaeva E.Yu., Tsvetkova E.A. 2007. A comparative characterization of fungal melanin and the humic-like substances synthesized by Cerrena maxima 0275 // Prikladnaya mikrobiologiya i biokhimia, 43(1), 69-76 (in Russian).
- Tsvetkova E.A., Kulikova N.A., Karpyuk L.A., Perminova I.V. 2007. Prospective of usage of slicagel modified with humic acids for remediation of the environments polluted with lipopolysaccharides // Bulletin of Moscow Society nature testers, Section Biology, v. 39(1), Appendix 1 (Biotechnology. Ecology. Environment protection), 188-194 (in Russian).
- Kulikova, N.A., Davidchik, V.N., Stepanova, E.V., Koroleva, O.V. 2007. Enhanced adsorption of atrazine in different soils in the presence of fungal laccase // Mothersill, C., Mosse, I., Seymour, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multipollution Exposure and Risk Assessment - A Challenge for the Future, Minsk, Belarus, 1-5 October 2006, ISBN 978-1-4020-6334-3, Spinger, Chapter 29, pp. 391-403.
- Kholodov V.A, Kulikova N.A., Konstantinov A.I., Perminova I.V. 2007. A comparative study of elemental composition and carbon distribution among functional groups of humic acids obtained using consecutive alkaline axtractions // Proc. of IV All-Russian Conf. "Humic substances in biosphere", Moscow, Dec. 19-21, 213-217 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V., Karpiouk L.A., Ponomarenko S.A., Kovalenko A.N., Shcherbina N.S., Kulikova N.A., Sorkina T.A., Lunin V.V. 2007. Design of tailored humic preparations // Proc. of IV All-Russian Conf. "Humic substances in biosphere", Moscow, Dec. 19-21, 508-509 (in Russian).
- Sorkina T.A., Kulikova N.A., Filippova O.I., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 2007. Biological activity of iron humate towards wheat seedlings // Proc. of IV All-Russian Conf. "Humic substances in biosphere", Moscow, Dec. 19-21, 517-520 (in Russian).
- Klyain O.I., Stepanova E.V., Kulikova N.A., Landesman E.O., Suprenok V.V., Koroleva O.V. 2007. A new approach for utilization of coal sludge using basidial fungi: production of physiologically active humic-like substances // Proc. of IV All-Russian Conf. "Humic substances in biosphere", Moscow, Dec. 19-21, 2007, 352-356 (in Russian).
- Belyaeva, E.Yu., Perminova, I.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Kulikova, N.A., Novikov, A.P. 2007. Role of non-exclusion effects in gel-permeation fractionation of humic substances // Abstract Book of the XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia. V. 5, p. 268.
- Kulikova, N.A., Badun, G.A., Tyasto, Z.A., Chernysheva, M.G., Perminova, I.V. 2007. Usage of tritium labeled humic substances for the study of their interaction with biomembranes under optimum and salt stress conditions // Abstract Book of the XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia. V. 5, p. 300.
- Shcherbina, N.S., Perminova, I.V., Karpiouk, L.A., Kalmykov, S.N., Ponomarenko, S.A. 2007. Sequestration ability of humic coatings differing in carboxyl content with respect to actinides // Abstract Book of the XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia. V. 5, p. 334.
- Perminova, I.V., Karpiouk, L.A., Ponomarenko, S.A., Kovalenko, A.N., Shcherbina, N.S., Bolkova, A.N., Kulikova, N.A., Tsvetkova, E.A., Muzafarov, A.M., Petrosyan, V.S. 2007. Design of "green" chemicals and biomaterials with tailored properties based on humic substances // Abstract Book of the XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia. V. 5, p. 373 (translated from Russian).
- Karpiouk, L.A., Perminova, I.V., Ponomarenko, S.A., Muzafarov, A.M. 2007. Synthesis of alkoxysilylated humic derivatives and their immobilization onto mineral surfaces // Abstract Book of the XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia. V. 5, p. 408 (translated from Russian).
- Kovalenko A.N., Bolkova A.N., Perminova I.V. 2007. Using direct modification for synthesis of humic derivatives with competent electrode potential // Abstract Book of the XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia. V. 5, p. 410.
- Kunenkov E.V., Kononikhin A.S., Perminova I.V., Garmash A.V., Popov I.A., Nikolaev E.N. 2007. Analysis of humic substances structure by FTICR MS using total difference mass-spectrometry approach // III Meeting of All-Russia Mass Spectroscopy Society, II All-Russia conference with international participation "Mass-spectroscopy and its application problems", September 3-7, Moscow, Russia, OC-25 (in Russian).
- Kunenkov E.V., Kononikhin A.S., Perminova I.V., Garmash A.V., Popov I.A., Nikolaev E.N. 2007. Improvements in peak capacity of and molecular formula assignment to FTICR MS data attained on fractions of humic acids // Book of Abstracts of the 8th European FTMS conference and Russian-German workshop "Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Fundamental, instrumentation and application", August 27 - September 1, Moscow, Russia, p. 17.
- Stepanova E.V., Suprenok V.V., Landesman E.O., Koroleva O.V., Kulikova N.A. 2007. A new approach for determination of humic substances antioxidant activity // Abstracts of the 11th Nordic-Baltic IHSS symposium "Functioning of NOM in the Environment", 10-13th June, Joensuu, Finland, p. 17.
- Kulikova N.A., Badun G.A., Tyasto Z.A., Korobkov V.I., Perminova I.V. 2007. Kinetics of humic substances uptake by plants // Abstracts of the 11th Nordic-Baltic IHSS symposium "Functioning of NOM in the Environment", 10-13th June, Joensuu, Finland, p. 28.
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2007. Extraction and characterization of soil water-soluble humic substances // Abstracts of the 11th Nordic-Baltic IHSS symposium "Functioning of NOM in the Environment", 10-13th June, Joensuu, Finland, p. 35.
- Kulikova N.A., Badun G.A., Tyasto Z.A., Perminova I.V. 2007. Interaction of humic substances with biomembranes // Abstracts of the 11th Nordic-Baltic IHSS symposium "Functioning of NOM in the Environment", 10-13th June, Joensuu, Finland, p. 43.
- Kholodov V.A., Novikov A.P., Goriachenkova T.A., Kazinskaja I.E., Perminova I.V. 2007. Role of humic components in immobilization of plutonium onto humic-kaolinite complexes // Abstracts of the 11th Nordic-Baltic IHSS symposium "Functioning of NOM in the Environment", 10-13th June, Joensuu, Finland, p. 62.
- Perminova I.V., Belyaeva E.Yu., Kunenkov E.V., Mueller M.B., Gaspar A., Schmitt-Kopplin Ph., Kulikova N.A., Frimmel F.H. 2007. Size-exclusion fractionation: what does it tell us about molecular weights and structures of humic substances // International Humic Substances Society, Sezione Italiana, VII Convegno Nazionale, 31 maggio - 1 giugno.
- Perminova, I.V., Kulikova, N.A., Zhilin, D.M., Grechischeva, N.Yu., Kovalevskii, D.V., Lebedeva, G.F., Matorin, D.N., Venediktov, P.S., Konstantinov, A.I., Kholodov, V.A., Petrosyan, V.S. Mediating effects of humic substances in the contaminated environments. Concepts, results, and prospects. In: Viable Methods of Soil and Water Pollution Monitoring, Protection and Remediation. Twardowska, I., Allen, H.E., Haggblom, M.H., Stefaniak, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Viable Methods of Soil and Water Pollution Monitoring, Protection and Remediation, Krakow, Poland, 27 June - 1 July 2005. Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Springer, Netherlands, 2006, Vol. 69, pp. 249-274.
- Belyaeva, E.Yu., Perminova, I.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Novikov, A.P. 2006. Compension of non-exclusion effects during gel-permeation fractionation of humic substances. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 217-220.
- Karpiouk, L.A., Perminova, I.V., Ponomarenko, S.A., Hatfield, K. 2006. Synthesis of alkoxysilylated humic derivatives capable of self-adhering to mineral surfaces. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 1033-1036.
- Kholodov, V.A., Kulikova, N.A., Lebedeva, G.F., Ilyukhina, E.A., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Detoxifying ability of the phenol-enriched and cross-linked humic derivatives with respect to copper. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 825-828.
- Kovalenko, A.N., Ilyukhina, E.A., Perminova, I.V., Ponomarenko, S.A., Hertkorn, N., Petrosyan, V.S. 2006. Synthesis of cross-linked humic substances using phenol-formaldehyde polycondensation. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 273-276.
- Kulikova, N.A., Badun, G.A., Korobkov, V.I., Pozdnyakova, V.Yu., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Uptake of humic acids by wheat plants: direct evidence using tritium autoradiography. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 425-428.
- Kulikova, N.A., Kholodov, V.A., Lebedeva, G.F., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Bioassay with humics: a statistical approach to data collection. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 441-444.
- Kulikova, N.A., Veselovskaya, M.M., Lebedeva, G.F., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Humic substances decrease water deficiency stress of wheat seedlings. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 437-440.
- Perminova, I.V. 2006. Direct chemical modification as a promising tool for designing humic materials with tailored preperties. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 37-40.
- Pozdnyakova, V.Yu., Badun, G.A., Chernysheva, M.G., Tyasto, Z.A., Fedoseev, V.M., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Tritium probe for investigation of humic materials. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 945-948.
- Volkov, P.A., Basov, A.A., Fadeev, V.V., Perminova, I.V., Belyaeva, E.Yu. 2006. The fluorescence characteristics and the photophysical parameters of the humic substances and their relationship to the chemical structure. In: Humic substances - linking structure to functions, Frimmel F.H., Abbt-Braun G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006, pp. 257-260.
- Matorin, D.N., Bratkovskaya, L.B., Osipov, V.A., Alexeev A.A., Kulikova, N.A., Vashchanov, G.A. 2006. Usage of algae chlorophyll fluorescence for bioassay of water pollution. Proc. of Moscow Society nature testers, v. 39: Biotechnology for the Environment Protection, Moscow, Grafikon, с.116-119 (in Russian)
- Filippova O.I., Zhelezova S.V. 2006. Bioassay: laboratory at home. Gardening, 24, 114. (in Russian)
- Konstantinov, A.I., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Perminova, I.V., Belyaeva, E.Yu., Hertkorn, N. 2006. Classification analysis of humic substances based on data of 13C NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and size exclusion chromatography. Abstract Book of the 3rd Symposium on NMR Spectroscopy in Soil and Geo Sciences, 6-9 August 2006, Kardinal-Doepfner-Haus, Freising, Germany.
- Kunenkov, E.V., Kononikhin, A.S., Perminova, I.V., Garmash, A.V., Nikolaev, E.N., Popov, I.A. 2006. Analysis of FTICR-MS data on humic substances and synthetic polyelectrolytes using different data processing techniques. Abstracts of the First Int. Symposium on Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Molecular level Analysis of Complex (BioGeo)Systems, 6-7 Nov. 2006, GSF, Oberschleissheim, Germany
- Gaspar, A., Belyaeva, E., Mueller, M., Perminova, I.V., Frimmel, F., Frommberger, M., Hertkorn, N., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph. Analysis of Suwannee river fulvic acids (SRFA) with ESI-ICR/FTMS after fractionation with free-flow electrophoresis (FFE) and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). Abstracts of the First Int. Symposium on Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Molecular level Analysis of Complex (BioGeo)Systems, 6-7 Nov. 2006, GSF, Oberschleissheim, Germany
- Kunenkov, E.V., Kononokhin, A.S., Gaspar, A., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Perminova, I.V., Garmash, A.V., Hertkorn, N., Popov, I.A., Nikolaev, E.N. Comparison of FTICR data on the Suwannee river humic and fulvic acids. Abstracts of the First Int. Symposium on Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Molecular level Analysis of Complex (BioGeo)Systems, 6-7 Nov. 2006, GSF, Oberschleissheim, Germany
- Perminova, I., Kulikova, N., Ponomarenko, S., Kovalenko, A., Karpiouk, L., Badun, G., Kholodov, V., Muzafarov, A., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Hertkorn, N., Frommberger, M., Kettrup, A. From molecular understanding to knowledge-based design and innovative uses of humic materials in biotechnology ("DESIGNER-BIOHUMICS"). Molecular design and innovative uses of biohumics. Abstracts of the First Int. Symposium on Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Molecular level Analysis of Complex (BioGeo)Systems, 6-7 Nov. 2006, GSF, Oberschleissheim, Germany
- Shcherbina, N.S., Mikhalina, A.V., Kalmykov, S,N., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Interaction of Np(V) and Pu(V) with humic substances. 5th Russian Conference on Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry-2006: Abstracts. Dubna, October 23-27, 2006 - Ozyorsk: "Mayak" PA, 2006, c.294 (in Russian)
- Khasanova, A.B., Kalmykov, S.N., Perminova, I.V. 2006. Sorption of Np(V) and Pu(V) on goethite and hematite in the presence of humic substances. 5th Russian Conference on Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry-2006: Abstracts. Dubna, October 23-27, 2006 - Ozyorsk: "Mayak" PA, 2006, c.295 (in Russian)
- Pozdnyakova, V.Yu., Chernisheva, M.G., Tyasto, Z.A., Fedoseev, V.M., Perminova, I.V., Badun, G.A. 2006. Study of behaviour of tritium labeled humic substances in toluene-water system to determine their surface activity and hydrophobicity. 5th Russian Conference on Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry-2006: Abstracts. Dubna, October 23-27, 2006 - Ozyorsk: "Mayak" PA, 2006, c.330 (in Russian)
- Kulikova, N.A., Badun, G.A., Pozdnyakova, V.Yu,. Perminova, I.V. 2006. Use of tritium labeled humic substances for study of their interaction with biological membranes. 5th Russian Conference on Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry-2006: Abstracts. Dubna, October 23-27, 2006 - Ozyorsk: "Mayak" PA, 2006, c.333 (in Russian)
- Kulikova, N.A., Korobkov, V.I., Badun, G.A., Perminova, I.V., Lebedeva, G.F. 2006. Study of humic substances uptake and distribution in wheat plants by tritium autoradiography using tritium labeled preparations. 5th Russian Conference on Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry-2006: Abstracts. Dubna, October 23-27, 2006 - Ozyorsk: "Mayak" PA, 2006, c.335 (in Russian)
- Perminova, I.V., Karpiouk, L.A., Shcherbina, N.S., Ponomarenko, S.A., Kalmykov, St.N., Hatfield, K. 2006. Synthesis and Use of Humic Derivatives Covalently Bond to Silica Gel for Np(V) Sequestration. Extended abstracts of Proceedings of the conference "Pu-Futures. The Science-2006", 9-13 July, 2006, Monterey, CA, USA
- Shcherbina, N.S., Kalmykov, S.N., Perminova, I.V., Kovalenko, A.N. 2006. Np(V) and Pu(V) Reduction by Hydroquinone-Enriched Humic Substances. Extended abstracts of Proceedings of the conference "Pu-Futures. The Science-2006", 9-13 July, 2006, Monterey, CA, USA
- Blinova, O.A., Novikov, A.P., Perminova, I.V., Haire, R.G. 2006. Kinetics of redox reactions of Pu(V) in solutions containing different fractions of humic substances. Extended abstracts of Proceedings of the conference "Pu-Futures. The Science-2006", 9-13 July, 2006, Monterey, CA, USA
- Khasanova, A.B., Kalmykov, St.N., Perminova, I.V., Clark, S.B. 2006. Neptunium Sorption onto Hematite and Goethite in Presence of Different Humic Acids. Extended abstracts of Proceedings of the conference "Pu-Futures. The Science-2006", 9-13 July, 2006, Monterey, CA, USA
- Perminova, I.V., and Hatfield, K. 2005. Remediation Chemistry of Humic Substances: Theory and Implications for Technology. In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice, Perminova I.V., Hatfield K., Hertkorn N. (Eds.), NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 52, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 3-36.
- Yudov, M.V., D.M. Zhilin, A.P. Pankova, A.G. Rusanov, I.V. Perminova, V.S. Petrosyan and D.N. Matorin. 2005. Synthesis, metal-binding properties and detoxifying ability of sulphonated humic acids In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice, Perminova I.V., Hatfield K., Hertkorn N. (Eds.), NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 52, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 485-498.
- Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., and Koroleva O.B. 2005. Mitigating activity of humic substances: direct influence on biota. In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice, Perminova I.V., Hatfield K., Hertkorn N. (Eds.), NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 52, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,pp. 285-310.
- Ksenofontova, M.M, A.V. Kudryavtsev, A.N. Mitrofanova, I.V. Perminova, A.N. Pryakhin, and V.V. Lunin. 2005. Ozone application for modification of humates and lignins. In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice, Perminova I.V., Hatfield K., Hertkorn N. (Eds.), NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 52, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 473-484.
- Kholodov, V.A., Kulikova, N.A., Perminova, I.V., Eremin, S.A., Lebedeva G.F. 2005. Adsorption of the herbicide acetochlor by different soil types. Soil Science (Pochvovedenie), 5, pp. 600-607 (in Russian) / Eurasian Soil Science, 38(5), 533-540
- Matorin, D.N., Osipov, V.A., Kulikova, N.A., Alekseev, A.A. 2005. Bioassay of water environment using algal luminescence. In: Biotechnology, Ecology, Environment protection. A.P. Sadchikov, S.V. Kotelevtsev (Eds.), Moscow, Russia 71-75. (In Russian).
- Titova, N.A., Travnikova, L.S., Kogut, B.M., Kholodov, V.A. 2005. Alteration of the soil organic matter light fractions related to fertilization. Plodorodie, 5(26), 26-30. (in Russian).
- Perminova, I.V., Kovalenko, A.N., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Hatfield, K., Hertkorn, N., Belyaeva, E.Yu., Petrosyan, V.S. 2005. Design of quinonoid-enriched humic materials with enhanced redox properties. Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 8518-8524.
- Davidchik V.N., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Tsvetkova E.A., Belyaeva E.Yu., Koroleva O.V. 2005. Interaction of laccase with humic acids. Abstract book of the 3rd All-Russian Conf. "Humic Substances in Biosphere", Saint-Petersburg, 1-3 March 2005, 57-58. (in Russian)
- Kulikova N.A., Badun G.A., Perminova I.V. 2005. Use of tritium labeled humic preparations for study of their interaction with biomembranes. Abstract book of the 3rd All-Russian Conf. "Humic Substances in Biosphere", Saint-Petersburg, 1-3 March 2005, 70-71. (in Russian)
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Lebedeva G.F., Kovalenko A.N. and Perminova I.V. 2005. Enhanced detoxifying ability of the specifically oxidized humic derivatives with respect to copper. European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 10253.
- Kulikova N.A., Davidchik V.N., Stepanova E.V., Tsvetkova E.A., Belyaeva E.Yu., Koroleva O.V. 2005. Association of laccase with humic acids. Abstract book of the 10th Nordic IHSS Symposium on "Character of natural organic matter and its role in the environment", 1-3 June 2005, Riga, Latvia, 44.
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Lebedeva G.F., Kovalenko A.N., Perminova I.V. 2005. Detoxifying ability of the hydroxylated humic derivatives with respect to copper. Abstract book of the 10th Nordic IHSS Symposium on "Character of natural organic matter and its role in the environment", 1-3 June 2005, Riga, Latvia, 36-37.
- Belayeva E.Yu., Perminova I.V., Kudryavtsev A.V. 2005. Evaluation and compensation of ion-exclusion effects during gel-permeation fractionation of humic substances. Abstract book of the 10th Nordic IHSS Symposium on "Character of natural organic matter and its role in the environment", 1-3 June 2005, Riga, Latvia, 16-17.
- Ilyukhina E.A., Perminova I.V., Ponomarenko S.A. 2005. Synthesis of crosslinked humic materials of controlled size. Abstract book of the 10th Nordic IHSS Symposium on "Character of natural organic matter and its role in the environment", 1-3 June 2005, Riga, Latvia, 33.
- Davidchik V.N., Kulikova N.A., Stepanova E.V., Olga V. Koroleva. 2005. Laccase-mediated transformation of atrazine in the environment. Abstract book of the Int. Conf. "Biocatalysis-2005: fundamentals and application" Saint-Petersburg, Valaam, Kighy, June, 19-23, 2005, p.74.
- Perminova, I.V., Shcherbina, N.S., Kalmykov, S.N., Kovalenko, A.N., Hatfield, K. 2005. Reduction of Np(V) by leonardite humic acids and their quinonoid-enriched derivatives. European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 10297
- Kulikova, N.A., Kholodov, V.A., Lebedeva, G.F., Perminova, I.V. 2005. Some metrological characteristics of the bioassay with seedlings and experimental desing. Abstract book of the All-Russian Conf. "Experimental information in soil science: theory and standardization ways. Soil Science Dept. of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Dec. 20-22, 2005, Moscow, Russia, p. 203-204.
- Zhilin, D.M., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., and Perminova, I.V. 2004. Reduction of Cr(VI) by peat and coal humic substances. Environ. Chem. Let,. 2, 141-145.
- Perminova I.V., Zhilin D.M. 2004: Humic substances in context of green chemistry. In: green Chemistry in Russia, V. Lunin, P. Tundo, E. Lokteva (Eds.), MSU Publisher, pp. 146-162 (in Russian).
- Kulikova N.A., Badun G.A., Perminova I.V., Pozdnyakova V.Yu., Belyaeva E.Yu., Kudryavtsev A.V. 2004: Tritium-labeled humic preparations as a perspective tool for membranotropic studies. Proceedings of the XII Int. Meeting of IHSS Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Sao-Pedro, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004, pp. 383-385.
- Badun G.A., Pozdnyakova V.Yu., Chernysheva M.G., Tyasto Z.A., Perminova I.V. 2004: Use of tritium labeled preparations for direct measurements of humic substances hydrophobicity and their interfacial adsorption in toluene-water system. Proceedings of the XII Int. Meeting of IHSS Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Sao-Pedro, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004. pp. 251-253.
- Perminova I.V., Kovalenko A.N., Kholodov V.A., Youdov M.Yu., Zhilin D.M. 2004: Design of humic materials of a desired remedial action. Proceedings of the XII Int. Meeting of IHSS Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Sao-Pedro, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004. pp. 506-508.
- Kholodov V.A.,. Kovalenko A.N., Kulikova N.A., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 2004: Enhanced detoxifying ability of hydroquinones-enriched humic derivatives with respect to copper. Proceedings of the XII Int. Meeting of IHSS Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Sao-Pedro, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004. pp. 189-191.
- Kovalenko A.N., Youdov M.V., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 2004: Synthesis and characterization of humic derivatives enriched with hydroquinoic and catecholic moieties. Proceedings of the XII Int. Meeting of IHSS Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Sao-Pedro, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004. pp. 472-473.
- Davidchik V.N., Kulikova N.A., Koroleva O.V. 2004: Laccase stabilization in the presence of coal humic acids. 2004: Proceedings of the XII Int. Meeting of IHSS Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Sao-Pedro, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004. pp. 545-546.
- Kholodov, V.A., Kovalenko, A.N., Kulikova, N.A., Lebedeva, G.F., Perminova, I.V. 2004: Detoxifying ability of native and chemically modified preparations of humic substances towards copper. Abstract Book of the Conf. Modern Problems of Soil Pollutions. Moscow, 24-28 May, 2004, 97-99 (in Russian).
- Davidchik V.N., Kulikova N.A., Landesman E.O., Stepanova E.V., Koroleva O.V. 2004: Adsorption and desorption of atrazine by soils. Proceedings of the 4-th Meeting of the Dokuchaev Soil Scientists Society "Soils are the Russian national wealth", Novosibirsk, Aug. 9-13, 2004, Vol. 2, p.493 (in Russian).
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V., Lebedeva G.F. 2004. Adsorption and toxicity of acetochlore in soils. Proceedings of the 4-th Meeting of the Dokuchaev Soil Scientists Society "Soils are the Russian national wealth", Novosibirsk, Aug. 9-13, 2004, Vol. 2, p.582 (in Russian).
- Ilyukhina E.A., Belyaeva E.Yu. 2004: Influence of non-exclusive effects on gel-chromatography analysis of humic substances. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Fundamental Sciences "Lomonosov-2004". Section Chemistry, p. 14 (in Russian).
- Kholodov, V.A., Kulikova, N.A., Perminova, I.V., Lebedeva, G.F. 2003: Toxicity of the herbicie acetochlore in soils of different types. Plodorodie, 5(14), 33-35. (in Russian).
- Kulikova, N.A., Perminova, I.V., Lebedeva, G.F. 2003: Binding of atrazine to humic acids of different soils. Pochvovedenie, 10, 1207-1212. (in Russian).
- Perminova, I.V., Frimmel, F.H., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Kulikova, N.A., Abbt-Braun, G., Hesse, S., Petrosyan, V.S. 2003: Molecular weight characteristics of aquatic, soil, and peat humic substances as determined by size exclusion chromatography and their statistical evaluation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 2477-2485.
- Badun, G.A., Pozdnyakova, V.Yu., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Perminova I.V. 2003: Preparation of tritium-labeled humic substances using thermal activation method. Bulgarian J. of Ecol. Sci. 2(3-4), 26-27.
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2003: Adsorption of herbicide acetochlor onto kaolin-humic acids complexes. Bulgarian J. of Ecol. Sci. 2(3-4), 50-51.
- Kulikova, N.A., Dashitsyrenova A.D., Perminova I.V., Lebedeva G.F. 2003: Auxin-like activity of different fractions of coal humic acids. Bulgarian J. of Ecol. Sci. 2(3-4), 55-56.
- Yavmetdinov I.S., Stepanova E.V., Gavrilova V.P., Lokshin B.V., Perminova I.V., Koroleva O.V. 2003. Production and charachterization of humic-like substances synthetizing by white-rot fungi. Appl. Biochem. Microbiol., v. 39, №3, 293-301 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V. Directed modification of humic substances as a gateway to their use in remediation technologies. 2003: Abstract Book of the 12 International Symposiums on Environmental Pollution and its impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, October 4th to 8th, 2003, Antaliya, Turkey. 314.
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. Adsorption of herbicide atrazine onto complexes of kaolin with humic substances. 2003: Abstract Book of the 12 International Symposiums on Environmental Pollution and its impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, October 4th to 8th, 2003, Antaliya, Turkey. 181.
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V., Badun G.A. 2003: Studies on penetration of coal humic acids into the cells of Escherichia coli using the tritium labeled preparation. Abstract Book of Scientific-Practical Conf. Actual problem of Tissue Therapy and Prospects of Application of Biologically Active Substances (17-18 Sept., 2003, Odessa, Ukraine), 25-26. (In Russian).
- Davidchik V.N., Koroleva O.V., Stepanova E.V., Kulikova N.A. 2003: Scavenging of atrazine in solution in the presence of coal HA and laccase. Proceedings of the II Moscow Int. Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development (10-14 Nov, 2003, Moscow, Russia) Part II, 59-60.
- Perminova I.V. 2003: Detoxifying properties of humic substances in the polluted environments and prospects of their practical use. Proceedings of the II Moscow Int. Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development (10-14 Nov, 2003, Moscow, Russia) Part II, 11.
- Yudov M.V., Kovalenko A.N., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 2003: Preparation and characterization of hydroxylated humic substances. Proceedings of the II Moscow Int. Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development (10-14 Nov, 2003, Moscow, Russia) Part II, 46-47.
- Pozdnyakova V.Yu., Badun G.A., Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V., Fedoseev V.M. 2003: Preparation of tritium labeled humic substances and study of their physico-chemical properties. Abstract Book of the IV Russian Conf. Radiochemistry-2003 (20-25 Oct., 2004, Ozersk, Russia). 293-294
- Perminova I.V. 2003: Quantitative analysis and classification of humic substances. In: Abstract Book of the 2nd Int. Conf. "Humic Substances in the Biosphere", Moscow, Feb. 3-6, 2003, p. 61-62 (in Russian).
- Perminova, I.V., Kalmykov, S.N., Novikov, A.P., Myasoedov, B.F., Myasoedova, G.V., Hatfield, K. 2003. Nanoscience of actinide migration: development of reactive nanomaterials for cleanup and monitoring of actinide contaminated sites. Russian Academy of Sciences - U.S. Department of Energy Workshop on Actinide chemistry and Related Topics, Sept. 11-12, 2003, Moscow, Russia
- Balcke, G.U., Kulikova, N.A., Kopinke, D., Perminova, I.V., Hesse, S., Frimmel, F.H. 2002: The influence of humic substances structure on their adsorption onto kaolin clay. SSSAJ, 66, 1805-1812.
- Hertkorn, N., Permin, A.B., Perminova, I.V., Kovalevskii, D.V., Yudov, M.V., Kettrup, A. 2002. Comparative Analysis of Partial Structures of a Peat Humic and Fulvic Acid using One and Two Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. J. Environ. Qual. 31, 375-387.
- Kulikova, N.A. and Perminova, I.V. 2002: Binding of atrazine to humic substances from soil, peat, and coal related to their structure. Environ. Sci. Technol., 36(17): 3720-37204
- Perminova, I.V., Kulikova, N.A., Zhilin, D.M., et al. 2002. Mediating effects of humic substances in aquatic and soil environments. In: Environmentally Acceptable Pollution and Reclamation Endpoints. Kluwer Academic Publisher, NATO Sci. Ser., Dordrecht. In Press.
- Lebedeva G.F., Kulikova N.A., Kholodov V.A. 2002: Soil pollution with herbicides. In: Degradation of soils and their protection, MSU Publisher, Moscow, pp. 332-358 (in Russian).
- Perminova, I.V. 2002. Quantitative analysis and predictive modeling of the properties of humic substances as a gateway to their practical application. In: Book of the extended abstracts of the 11th meeting of IHSS. 21-26 July 2002, Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
- Naumova, G.V., Kholodov, V.A., Kulikova, N.A., Zhmakova, N.A., Makarova, N.L., Ovchinnikova, T.F., Perminova, I.V. 2002. Detoxification of acetochlor by humic acids from different sources. Book of the extended abstracts of the 11th meeting of IHSS. 21-26 July 2002. Northeastern University, Boston.
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V. 2002: Detoxifying effects of humic acids on acetochlor: structure-activity relationship. Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, pp. 22-23.
- Kholodov V.A., Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V., Lebedeva G.F. 2002: Adsorption of acetochlor onto kaolinite-humus complexes. Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, p. 24.
- Ksenofontova, M.M., Mitrofanova, A.N., Perminova, I.V., Pryakhin, A.N., Lunin, V.V. 2002: Ozone application for modification of humates and lignins. Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, pp. 25-26.
- Hertkorn N., Perminova I., Kovalevskii D., Kettrup A. 2002: Proton homonuclear two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of humic substances with extreme resolution and sensitivity. Book of the extended abstracts of the 11th meeting of IHSS. 21-26 July 2002. Northeastern University, Boston, pp. 380-382.
- Hertkorn N., Perminova I., Kettrup A. 2002: Very high resolution COSY NMR spectra of humic substances: implication for the elucidation of humic substructures. Book of the extended abstracts of the 11th meeting of IHSS. 21-26 July 2002. Northeastern University, Boston, p. 129.
- Perminova, I.V. 2002: Mediation effects of humic substances in polluted environments: implications for development of remediation technologies. Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, pp. 39-40.
- Salem, K.M., Grechishcheva, N.Yu., Perminova, I.V., Murygina, V.P., Mescheryakov, S.V. 2002: Application of humic substances for biological remediation of oil polluted soil. Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, pp. 30-31.
- Youdov, M.V., Perminova, I.V., Pankova, A.P., Zhilin, D.M., Gantman, M. 2002: Synthesis of sulfoderivatives of humic acids and their complexing properties towards Fe(III) and Hg(II). Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, pp. 34-35.
- Zhilin, D.M., Perminova, I.V., Matorin, D.N., Petrosyan, V.S. 2002: Mediating effects of humic substances on the toxicity and bioconcentration of HgCl2. Abstract Book of the NATO ARW "Use of humates to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice", Zvenogorod, Russia, Sept. 23-29, 2002, pp. 36-37.
- Perminova, I.V., Grechishcheva, N.Yu., Kovalevskii, D.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Matorin, D.N., Petrosyan, V.S. 2001. Quantification and prediction of detoxifying properties of humic substances to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons related to chemical binding. Environ. Sci. Technol., 35, p. 3841-3848.
- Perminova, I.V., Grechishcheva, N. Yu., Petrosyan, V.S., Anisimova M.A., Kulikova N.A., Lebedeva G.F., Matorin D.N. and Venediktov P.S. 2001. Impact of humic substances on the toxicity of xenobiotic organic compounds. Chapter 14. In: Humic Substances and Chemical Contaminants. SSSA, Madison, WI. Eds: M.H.B. Hayes, C.E. Clapp, N. Senesi, P.R. Bloom and P.M. Jardine. p. 275-287.
- Hertkorn, N., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Perminova, I.V., Kovalevski, D.V., Kettrup, A. 2001. Two dimensional NMR spectroscopy of humic substances. In: Understanding and Managing Organic Matter in Soils, Sediments and Waters. Eds. Swift, R.S., Spark, K.M. IHSS; University of Adelaide, Australia; p. 149-158.
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Garmash, A.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V, Menzinger, F., Perminova, I.V, Hertkorn, N., Freitag, D., Petrosyan, V.S., Kettrup, A. 2001. Quantitative and qualitative precision improvements by effective mobility-scale data transformation in capillary electrophoresis analysis. Electrophoresis, 22, 77-87.
- Hertkorn, N., A. Guenzl, E. M. Perdue, D. Kovalevskii, A. Permin, I. V. Perminova, F. Jaekle, V. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup. 2001. How NMR spectra of natural and derivatized humic substances provide complementary information concerning the nature of their aliphatic constituents. XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001, pp. 29-30.
- Kovalevskii, D. V., M. V. Yudov, I. V. Perminova, N. Hertkorn, A. B. Permin, V. S. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup, 2001. Study of fractional composition of humic acids by methods of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001, pp. 193-195.
- Permin, A. B., I. V. Perminova, D. V. Kovalevskii, M. V. Yudov, N. Hertkorn, V. S. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup, 2001. Study of hydrolyzed humic substances by one and two dimensional NMR spectroscopy, XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001, pp. 200-201.
- Permin, A. B., Kovalevskii, D. V., Hertkorn, N., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S., Kettrup A. 2001: Study of humic substances of different origin by means of quantitative 13C and correlation 2D NMR spectroscopy. XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001, pp. 199-200.
- Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 2000. Size-exclusion chromatographic descriptors of humic substances. Anal. Chim. Acta, 407, (1-2), 193-202.
- Steinberg, C.E.W., Haitzer M., Brueggemann, R., Perminova I.V., Yashchenko N.Yu., Petrosyan V.S. 2000. Towards a quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) of dissolved humic substances as detoxifying agents in freshwaters. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., 85(2-3), 253-266.
- Steinberg, C.E.W., Perminova I.V., Haitzer M., Welker M. 2000. Humic substances for reducing chemical stress-effects. Schriftenr. Wasserforsch. 6 (Chemische Stressfaktoren in Aquatischen Systemen), 79-91.
- Garmash, A.V., Danchenko, N.N., Perminova I.V. 2000: Modeling the interaction of humic substances with calcium acetate: model of complexation. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 41, 109-115 (in Russian).
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 2000: Conditions for acquiring quantitative 13C NMR spectra of humic substances. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 41, 39-42 (in Russian).
- Zhilin D.M., Perminova I.V. and Petrosyan V.S. 2000. Express-determination of mercury(II) in the presence of humic substances. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 41, 214-215 (in Russian).
- Zhilin D.M. and Perminova I.V. 2000: Mercury in water bodies: transformations and toxicity. Priroda (Nature). 11, 43-50. (In Russian).
- Perminova, I. V., Kudryavtsev, A. V., Frimmel, F. H., Abbt-Braun, G., Hesse, S., Petrosyan, V.S. 2000. Classification of humic substances by the origin on the basis of size exclusion chromatographic descriptors. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on the refractory humic substances in the environment (ROSE-II). 1-3 August 2000, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Perminova, I. V., Yudov, M. V., Kovalevsky, D. V., Permin, A. B., Petrosyan, V. S. 2000. 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopic studies of the 0.2 M HCl hydrolyzed humic and fulvic acids. Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium: NMR in Soil Science; Feb. 27 - March 1, 2000, TU Freising / Weihenstephan.
- Hertkorn, N., Permin, A., Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, I.V. Perminova, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Characterization of humic substances by NMR spectroscopy. Analytica Conference, Munich, Seminar: Techniken in der organischen Bodenanalytik, April 11-14, 2000.
- Hertkorn, N., Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, A. Permin, D. Kovalevskii, I. Perminova, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural analysis of humic substances: backbone / skeleton. Gordon Research Conference: Organic Geochemistry, Holderness School, August 13-18, 2000.
- Hertkorn, N., A. Permin, I. V. Perminova, Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Two dimensional NMR spectroscopy of humic substances, 2nd European Symposium: NMR in Soil Science; Feb. 27 - March 1, 2000, TU Freising / Weihenstephan.
- Hertkorn, N., Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, A. Permin, I. V. Perminova, A. Kettrup, 2000. An assessment of building blocks from 2D NMR spectroscopy of humic substances, Praktische Probleme der Kernresonanzspektroskopie, 17.-18.1.2000, Erlangen.
- Hertkorn, N., A. Gunzl, F. Jakle, D. Freitag, Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, I. V. Perminova, A. Permin, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural models of humic substances as deduced from two dimensional NMR spectra of natural and derivatized humic substances, 4. Igler NMR Tage, Igls, Osterreich, 10.-11.2.2000.
- Hertkorn, N., A. Permin, Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, I.V. Perminova, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural models of humic substances as derived from two dimensional NMR spectra, Proceeding of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 24-28, 2000; Toulouse, France.
- Hertkorn, N., Permin, A., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Perminova, I. V., Kovalevskii, D., Kettrup, A. 2000. Structural models of humic substances as derived from two dimensional NMR spectra, Abstract book of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 24-28, 2000; Toulouse, France.
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., N. Hertkorn, A. Gunzl, A. Garmash, A. Kudryavtsev, F. Jakle, I.V. Perminova, V.S. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural analysis of humic substances: functional groups. Gordon Research Conference: Organic Geochemistry, Holderness School, August 13-18, 2000.
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., A. V. Garmash, A. V. Kudryavtsev, I. Perminova, N. Hertkorn, D. Freitag, V. S. Petrosyan, and A. Kettrup, 2000. Capillary zone electrophoresis for the characterization of polyelectrolytes and humic substances. Proceeding of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July, 24-28, 2000; Toulouse, France.
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., A. V. Garmash, A. V. Kudryavtsev, I. Perminova, N. Hertkorn, D. Freitag, V. S. Petrosyan, and A. Kettrup: 2000. Capillary zone electrophoresis for the description of polyelectrolytes, HPCE 2000, Februar 20-24, 2000, Kongresshalle Saarbruecken, Germany.
- Kulikova, N.A., Perminova, I.V., Lebedeva, G.F. 2000. Detoxification effect of humic substances on atrazine: a contribution of chemical binding and physiological activity. Proceeding of the 10th Meeting of IHSS, 24-28 July 2000, Tolousa, France. 116-119.
- Kulikova, N. A., Perminova, I. V., Lebedeva, G. F. 2000. Binding constants of humic substances to atrazine and their relationship to the structure. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS-10), 24-28 July 2000, Toulouse, France, p. 112-115.
- Kovalevsky, D. V., Perminova, I. V., Permin, A. B., Petrosyan, V. S. 2000. Determination of the fragmental composition of humic substances from the data of 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopy. 2nd European Symposium: NMR in Soil Science; Feb. 27 - March 1, 2000, TU Freising / Weihenstephan.
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Garmash, A. V., Kudryavtsev, A. V., Perminova, I. V., Hertkorn, N., Freitag, D., Petrosyan, V. S., Kettrup, A. 2000. Capillary zone electrophoresis for the characterization of polyelectrolytes and humic substances. Abstract book of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 24-28, 2000; Toulouse, France.
- Perminova I.V. 1999: Size-exclusion chromatography of humic substances: complexities of data interpretation attributable to non-size exclusion effects. Soil Sci., 164 (11), 834-840.
- Perminova I.V., Grechishcheva N.Yu., Petrosyan V.S. 1999: Relationships between structure and binding affinity of humic substances for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: relevance of molecular descriptors. Environ. Sci. Technol., 33, 3781-3787.
- Steinberg, C.E.W., Haitzer M., Brueggemann, R., Perminova I.V., Yashchenko N.Yu., Petrosyan V.S. 2000. Towards a quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) of dissolved humic substances as detoxifying agents in freshwaters. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., 85(2-3), 253-266.
- Steinberg, C.E.W., Perminova I.V., Haitzer M., Welker M. 2000. Humic substances for reducing chemical stress-effects. Schriftenr. Wasserforsch. 6 (Chemische Stressfaktoren in Aquatischen Systemen), 79-91.
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Hertkorn, N., Freitag, D., Kettrup, A., Garmash, A.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V, Perminova, I.V., Petrosyan, V.S. 1999. Mobility distribution of synthetic and natural polyelectrolytes with capillary zone electrophoresis. J. AOAC Int., 82, 1594-1603.
- Danchenko, N.N., Garmash, A.V., Perminova I.V. 1999: Modeling the interaction of humic substances with calcium acetate: model of ion - exchange. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 40, 183-187.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Konnov D.V., Petrosyan V.S., 1999: Quantitative 1H NMR spectroscopic determination of exchangeable and backbone protons of humic substances. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 40, 375-380 (in Russian).
- Yashchenko, N.Yu., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S., Filippova E.M., Fadeev V.V. 1999: Interaction of humic substances of different origin with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: influence of pH and ionic strength. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 40, 188-193 (in Russian).
- Perminova, I.V., Kulikova, N.A., Lebedeva, G.F. 1999a. Influence of mineral-bound humic substances on the sorption of atrazine on kaolinite. Abstracts of the 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, 25-29 May 1999. Leipzig, Germany, p. 159
- Perminova, I.V., Steinberg, C.E.W., Frimmel, F.H. 1999. Humic substances as mediators of chemical stress in aquatic environments. Book of Abstracts of the 31st Congress of IUPAC. Section MQ-4. 30 Aug.- 5 Sep., 1999. Berlin, Germany.
- Perminova, I.V., Yashchenko, N.Yu., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Kulikova, N.A., Petrosyan, V.S. 1999c. Development of quantitative relationships between structure, reactivity and detoxifying ability of humic substances to organic xenobiotics. Abstracts of the 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, 25-29 May 1999. Leipzig, Germany, p. 111.
- Balcke G.U., Kulikova N.A., Kopinke F.-D. Long term kinetics of PAH binding on humic acids. Abstracts of 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, 25-29 May 1999. Leipzig, Germany, p. 109.
- Hertkorn, N., Perminova, I.V., Schmitt-Copplin, Ph., Permin, A., Kovalevskii, D., Kettrup, A. 1999. 2D NMR spectroscopy of humic substances. - Abstr. book, 218th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, 1999, Geoc-29.
- Yashchenko-Grechichsheva, N.Yu., Perminova, I.V., Petrosyan, V.S. Detoxification of polycyclic aromatic compounds by means of naturally ocurring substances. Abstracts of 17th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 25-29 October 1999. Bodeaux, France, p. 114.
- Zhilin, D.M., Perminova, I.V., Matorin, D.N., Petrosyan, V.S. 1999. Influence of humic substances on the toxicity of HgCl2. Abstracts of the 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, 25-29 May 1999. Leipzig, Germany, p. 114.
- Zhilin, D.M., Sobko, A.A., Perminova, I.V., Matorin, D.N., Petrosyan, V.S. 1999. Toxicity of different species of Hg(II) to the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Abstracts of the 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, 25-29 May 1999. Leipzig, Germany, p. 115.
- Polyakov S.V. 1999: Role of aromatic fragments of humic substances in their interaction with PAHs. Absract Book of the Int. Conf. Lomonosov-98. Section Chemistry. Moscow. p. 143 (in Russian).
- Yudov M.V. 1999: Study of the structure of hydrolyzed humic substances using 13C NMR spectroscopy. Absract Book of the Int. Conf. Lomonosov-98. Section Chemistry. Moscow. p. 154 (in Russian).
- Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Garmash, A.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V, Perminova, I.V., Hertkorn, N., Freitag, Petrosyan, V.S., D., Kettrup, A. 1999: Mobility-scale data transformation in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) for a precise qualitative and quantitative analysis and for the description of the mobilities of charged polyelectrolytes mixtures. Abstract Book of the 1st Int. Symp. on Biomedical Applications of Chromatography and Electrophoresis and the 3rd Int. Symp. on the Applications of HPLC in Enzyme Chemistry "Separation in the Biosciences (SBS'99)", Amsterdam, 17-19 march 1999, P-32.
- Perminova I.V., Frimmel F.H., Kovalevskii D.V., Abbt-Braun G., Kudryavtsev A.V., Hesse S. 1998. Depelopment of a predictive model for calculation of molecular weight of humic substances. Wat. Res., 32, 872-881.
- Anisimova M.A., Perminova I.V., Lebedeva G.F. 1998: Detoxifying ability of humic acids toward triphluraline herbicide. Eurasian Journal of Soil Sci., 31, 973-978.
- Danchenko N.N., Perminova I.V., Garmash, A.V., Kudryavtsev A.V. 1998: Determination of the carboxyl acidity of humic substances using titrimetric techniques. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Chemistry Series, 39(2), 127-131.
- Garmash A.V., Vorob'eva O.N., Kudryavtsev A.V., Danchenko N.N. 1998: Potentiometric analysis of polyelectrolytes by pKa spectroscopy using linear regression analysis. Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii (J. of Analyt. Chem.), 53(4), pp. 411-417 (in Russian).
- Anisimova, M.A., Kulikova, N.A., Lebedeva, G.F., Perminova, I.V. 1998. Detoxifying ability of soils and extracted from them humic acids in relation to atrazine. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of the International Soil Science Society. 28-30 August, Montpellie, France. P. 111-115.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Perminova I.V., Permin A.B., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Investigation of the structure of humic substances of different origin using 13C NMR spectroscopy. In : Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, P. 122.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Konnov D.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Determination of the exchangeable and backbone protons in the structure of humic substances using 1H NMR spectroscopy. In: Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, P. 123.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Konnov D.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Use of 1H NMR spectroscopy for investigation of the functional group composition of humic substances. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biolog". Suzdal', 1-7 June 1998. P. 189-190.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Perminova I.V., Permin A.B., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Determination of the quantitative conditions for acquiring 13C NMR spectra of humic substances. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology". Suzdal', 1-7 June 1998. P. 190-191.
- Kulikova, N.A. 1989: Molecular weight distribution of soil water-soluble organic matter. Absract Book of the Int. Conf. Lomonosov-98. Moscow. 43. (in Russian).
- Yashchenko, N.Yu., Perminova, I.V., Matorin, D.N., Philippova, E.M., Fadeev, V.V., Petrosyan, V.S. 1998. Chemical-Toxicological Studies of Interaction between Humic Substances and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons. Abstract book of the SETAC-Europe 8th Annual Meeting, Apr. 14-18, 1998, Bordeaux. P 266.
- Yashchenko, N.Yu., Perminova, I.V., Philippova, E.M., Petrosyan, V.S. 1998. Interaction of humic substances of different origin with PAH: influence of pH and ionic strength. In: Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, P. 278 (in Russian).
- Danchenko N.N., Perminova I.V., Garmash A.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998: Determination of acidic groups of humic substances using titrimetric methods. In: Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, p. 79 (in Russian).
- Hertkorn N., Gunzl A., Perdue M.E., Perminova I.V. 1998: NMR investigations of humic substances. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology". Suzdal', 1-7 June 1998. P. 24-25.
- Kholodov V.A. 1998: Detoxifying ability of activated humic acids towards herbicides diurone and atrazine in sod-podzolic acids. Absract Book of the Int. Conf. Lomonosov-98. Section Soil Science. Moscow. p. 73. (in Russian).
- Kudryavtsev A.V., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998: Determination of molecular weight characteristics of humic substances using size-exclusion chromatography. In: Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, p. 142 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V., Yashchenko N.Yu., Matorin D.N., Philippova E.V., Fadeev V.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998: Chemical-toxicological studies of interaction between humic substances and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Abstract Book of the 8th Ann. Meeting of SETAC-Europe, 14-18 April 1998, Bordeaux, France.
- Perminova I.V. 1998: A relationship between structure, reactivity and detoxifying ability of humic substances. In: Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. p. 206 (in Russian).
- Polyakov S.V. 1998: Study of the relationship between aromaticity of HS and their absorbance at 254 and 280 nm. In: Abstract Book of the 2nd Ecological Conf. of Young Scientists (Students and Post-Graduated Students), 23 Apr. 1998, Moscow, p. 46 (in Russian).
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- Zhilin D.M., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998: Determination of stability constants of Hg(II) complexes with HS of different origin. In: Abstract Book of the 2nd Ecological Conf. of Young Scientists (Students and Post-Graduated Students), 23 Apr. 1998, Moscow, p. 94-95 (in Russian).
- Zhilin D.M., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998: Toxicity of different mercury species in natural water. In: Abstract Book of the 2nd Ecological Conf. of Young Scientists (Students and Post-Graduated Students), 23 Apr. 1998, Moscow, p. 95-96 (in Russian).
- Danchenko N.N., Perminova I.V., Kaplanova T.G., Petrosyan V.S. 1997: Determination of the total hydroxyl content in non-fractionated humic substances. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Chemistry Series, 38(2), 112-114.
- Filippova O.I., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 1997. Relationships between chemical composition of peat and its detoxifying properties to chlorsulphurone. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 17 (Soil Science) No 4, 37-41.
- Kulikova N.A., Perminova I.V., Lebedeva G.F., Matorin D.N. 1997: Influence of the organic matter of water and alkali extracts of peat on the plant photosynthesis. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 16 (Biology) No 2, 36-41 (in Russian).
- Anisimova M.A., Perminova I.V., Lebedeva G.F. 1997. Detoxifying ability of different soil humic acids in relation to herbicide trifluraline. Abstract book of the 7th annual meeting of SETAS-Europe, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 6-10, 1997, p. 288.
- Perminova I.V., Frimmel F.H., Kovalevskii D.V., Abbt-Braun G, Kudryavtsev A.V., Hesse S 1997. Predictive model for the molar mass of humic substances. Abstracts of the Symposium on refractory organic substances in the environment (ROSE). Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 6-8, 1997, p. 11.
- Perminova I.V., Yaschenko N.Yu., Anisimova M.A., Kulikova N.A. 1997. Impact of humic substances on the toxicity of xenobiotic organic compounds. Abstract book of the 1997 ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Oct 26 - 31, 1997, Anaheim, California, p. 17.
- Yashchenko N.Yu, Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1997. Detoxifying properties of humic substances to PAH: Structure-Activity Relationships. Abstract book of the SETAC 18th Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-20, 1997, San Francisco. P. 254.
- Perminova I.V., D.V. Kovalevsky, N.Yu. Yashchenko, N.N. Danchenko, A.V. Kudryavtsev, D.M. Zhilin, V.S. Petrosyan, N.A. Kulikova, O.I. Philippova, G.F. Lebedeva, 1996: Humic substances as natural detoxicants. In: Humic substances and organic matter in soil and water environments: characterization, transformations and interactions. Eds.: C.E. Clapp, M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi, S.M. Griffith. St. Paul, MN, USA, 399-406.
- Zhilin, D.M., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S., 1996: Interaction of humic substances with mercury(II). Russian Journal of Ecol. Chem. 5(2), 131-137.
- Anisimova M.A., Lebedeva G.F., Perminova I.V. 1996. Influence of zonal factor and soil agricultural treatment on the properties of humic acids in relation to herbicides. Proc. Of the 9-th International Colloquium for Optimization of Plant Nutrition. Czech Republic, Praha, Sept. 8-16, 1996. P. 418-422.
- Danchenko N.N., Perminova I.V., Kudryavtsev A.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. Influence of natural and commercial water soluble humic preparations on the migration ability of heavy metals in soil. In: Heavy metals in the environment - Proceedings of International Symposium, Pushchino, October 15-18, 1996, p. 160-161.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. A new approach to description of structure of humic substances and its application to estimating a quantitative structure-property relationship. In The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental Protection, Eds. J. Drozd and J. Weber. 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 9-14, 1996, Wroclaw, Poland, p. 99.
- Kovalevskii, D.V., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. Influence of the structure of humic substances on their detoxifying ability in relation to heavy metals. In: Heavy metals in the environment - Abstract Book of International Symposium, Pushchino, October 15-18, 1996, p. 164.
- Perminova I.V., Yashchenko N.Yu, Danchenko N.N., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. Detoxifying properties of humic substances to fluoranthene and pyrene in relationship with hydrophobicity and molecular weight of the humics. In "The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental Protection", Ed. by J Drozd and J Weber. Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 9-14, 1996, Wroclaw, Poland, p. 258.
- Zhilin, D.M., Youdov M.V., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. New approach to the determination of metal-humic acids complexes stability constants. In: Heavy metals in the environment - Abstract Book of International Symposium, Pushchino, October 15-18, 1996. P. 161.
- Danchenko N.N., Garmash A.V. 1996. Mathematical modelling of interaction of HS with Ca-acetate and determination of carboxylic acidity of HS using Ca-acetate method. In: Abstract Book of the All-Russian Conf. on Analysis of Environment "Ecoanalytika-96", Krasnodar, 29 Sept.-4 Oct., 1996, p. 208-209 (in Russian).
- Garmash A.V., Vorob'eva O.V., Kudryavtsev A.V., Danchenko N.N. 1996. Potentiometric analysis of humic substances using pK-spectroscopy approach. In: Abstract Book of the All-Russian Conf. on Analysis of Environment "Ecoanalytika-96", Krasnodar, 29 Sept.-4 Oct., 1996, p. 207-208 (in Russian).
- Danchenko, N.N., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S., 1995: A use of barita method for determination of the total acidity of humic substances: conditions of applicability. Russian J. Ecol. Chem., 4(4), 313-317.
- Perminova I.V., N.Yu. Yachshenko, V.A. Polynov, Petrosyan V.S., Venediktov P.S. 1995: Influence of fulvic acids on the toxicity of fluoranthene and phenantrene in aqueous medium. Russian Journal of Ecol. Chem., 4(3), 234-238 (in Russian).
- Garmash A.V., Vorob'eva O.N., Kudryavtsev A.V. 1995: Spectrophotometric analysis of mixtures of substances with strongly overlapped spectra by polynomial approximation and nonlinear transformation of the wavelength axis. Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii (J. of Analyt. Chem.), 50(6), 600-604 (in Russian).
- Perminova I.V., Danchenko N.N., Kaplanova T.G., Petrosyan V.S. 1995: Determination of total acidity by the barite method: conditions of applicability for the analysis of humic acids. Ecol. Chem., 4(4), 283-287.
- Petrosyan V.S., I.V. Perminova, D.V. Kovalevsky, et al., 1994: Detoxification of heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides by humic substances in waters and soil. Proceedings of International Congress "Water: ecology and technology", Moscow, Sept. 6-9, 1994. Vol. IV. P. 1136-1143.
- Perminova I.V., Kovalevsky D.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1994: Toxicological behavior of heavy metals in the presence of humic acids of different origin. - Abstracts of the Fourth SETAC-Europe Congress. Brussels, Belgium, Apr. 11-14, 1994. P.763.
- Perminova I.V., D.V. Kovalevsky, N.Yu. Yashchenko, N.N. Danchenko, A.V. Kudryavtsev, D.M. Zhilin, V.S. Petrosyan, N.A. Kulikova, O.I. Philippova, G.F. Lebedeva, 1996: Humic substances as natural detoxicants. In: Abstract Book of the 7th Int. Conf. of the IHSS "Humic substances and organic matter in soil and water environments: characterization, transformations and interactions", St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 3-8 July, 1994, F-7.
- Perminova, I.V., Petrosyan, V.S. 1993. Marine humic acids in the organic carbon flux in the Bering/Chukchi Seas ecosystems. Proceedings of the Conference on Carbon Cycling in the Boreal Forests and Subarctic Ecosystems. OSU, Corvallis, September 9-13, 1991. Eds. T.Vinson and T. Kolchugina. EPA/MR-126546. P.37-42.
- Perminova, I.V., Yashchenko, N.Yu., Petrosyan, V.S. 1993. The influence of humic acids on the toxicities of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in natural waters. First SETAC World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 1993, p. 299.
- Perminova, I.V., 1992: Humic acids in the Bering and Chukchi Seas ecosystems. In: P.A. Nagel (Ed.) Results of the Third Joint US-USSR Bering&Chukchi Seas Expedition (BERPAC), Summer 1988. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. P. 231-237.
- Perminova I.V., 1992: Humic acids. In: Investigation of the Bering and Chuchi Sea ecosystems. 3d Issue. St.Petersberg, Gidrometizdat. P.637-641 (In Russian).
- Perminova, I.V., V.M. Vermool, T.V. Polenova, and E.K. Ivanova, 1989: Study of molecular weight distribution and spectral parameters of the fulvic acids of natural water origin. I. Gel-permeation chromatographic fractionation of fulvic acids by molecular weights. Bulletin of Moscow University [Vestnik MGU], Series 2 (Chemistry), 30, 176-182.
- Perminova, I.V., V.M. Vermool, T.V. Polenova, and E.K. Ivanova, 1989: Study of the molecular weight distribution and spectral parameters of the fulvic acids of natural water origin. II. Step-fractionation of the fulvic acids and determination of the absorbance coefficients of the fractions. Bulletin of Moscow University [Vestnik MGU], Series 2 (Chemistry), 30, 277-281.
- Perminova, I.V., V.M. Vermool, A.G. Abroskin, T.V. Polenova, and E.K. Ivanova, 1989: Study of the molecular weight distribution and spectral parameters of the fulvic acids of natural water origin. III. Influence of the molecular weight composition on the fluorescent properties of the fulvic acids. - Bulletin of Moscow University [Vestnik MGU], Series 2 (Chemistry), 30, 368-372. (In Russian)
- Perminova, I.V., E.K. Ivanova, et al., 1986: Fluorimetric method of determination of fulvic acids in marine waters. Russian J. Analyt. Chemistry [Zh. analit. khimii], 41, 1256-1259.
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