Welcome to the website of the MGUMUS-research group. We are a team of the
scientists of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU – English, MGU – Russian
abbreviation) engaged with the humic substances research. The place of our work
and the topic of our research gave a birth to our name: MGU + HUMUS = MGUMUS. The
MGUMUS accounts for 10-12 researchers – scientists, Ph.D. and undergraduate
students – of the Department of Chemistry and of the Department of Soil Science.
The leader of the group is Dr. Irina V. Perminova.
The main topics of our research
include studies on composition and structure of humics, studies on the chemical
and toxicological aspects of interaction of humics with different ecotoxicants,
studies on application of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR)
approach to the predictive modeling of the properties of humics.
We all are the members of the CIS Chapter
of the International Humic Substances Society (CIS IHSS).
To find out more
in detail about us and our research, you are very welcome to visit the other pages
of our site. We are very glad to your visit and hope on you sharing with us your
ideas and interests in your research.
This site was last updated on Tuesday September 17, 2024.