Conference programme (PDF).
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List of presentations provided by authors
- Olga Alexandrova, «Application of a Quantum Statistical Model of Humic Substances to their Influence on Reduction of Red Cell Aggregation in Blood»
- Vladimir Bezuglov, HYBRID POLYFUNCTIONAL MOLECULES: From concept to multifunctional drugs
- Janos Csicsor, «The power of nature»
- Norbert Hertkorn, «High-precision frequency measurements: indispensable tools at the core of molecularlevel analysis for linking non-targeted and targeted metabolomics of complex systems»
- Basem Kanawati, «Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry and Computational Tools in Modern Analytical Chemistry»
- Stephan Kremb, «HIV Full-Replication Technology for Identification of novel HIV Inhibitors from Multiple Sources»
- Georgy Krivtsov, «Chitosans as prospective adjuvants for vaccine development» (on Russian)
- Natalia Kulikova, «A New Method for Labeling Humic Substances with Tritium: Future Prospects for Biological Studies»
- Elizaveta Maltseva, «Physical-chemicalproperties of Humic Acids, modified by Mechanoactivationof Caustobioliths, and their interactionwith Biocides»
- Nikolay Melik-Nubarov, «Synthetic macromolacular modulators of anti-tumor drugs»
- Irina Perminova, «On the path forward to biomedical applications of natural polyfunctional compounds - humic substances»
- Alexander Popov, «The Removal of Stress at Quails by Humic Substances»
- Irina Sokolova, «Detoxifying Abilities of Humic Substances: The Influence of UV Pretreatment»
- Liliya Stepchenko, «The Mechanisms of Regulatory Influence of Biologically Active Substances of Humic Nature on the Organism of Animals»
- Irina Vashurina, «Prevention of Placental Insufficiency in Rats by Peat Humic Acids»
- Natalya Yudina, «Erythrocyte Reversible Aggregation under the Action of Humic Acids»
- Yury Zhernov, «Chemotherapeutic effect of humic substances low mineralized silt sulphide muds on pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms»