Organizers: CIS IHSS Chapter, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Information support: Journal “Agrochemical Herald”
The goal of the exhibition is to demonstrate achievements of the humate industry over last ten years, and to define prospective trends for development in the field of novel humic products and technologies with particular focus on broadening application of humic products in the field of bioagriculture, feed additives, functional drinks, veterinary and pharma.
Exhibition is a satellite event of the Fifth International Conference of CIS-IHSS on the humic innovative technologies “Humic substances and living systems” (HIT-2019). It will be held from October 19 t0 23, 2019.
The venue of the exhibition will be “Plavotel” located on the territory of the sailing club Vodnik. The exhibition booths will be located in the lobby in the immediate vicinity of the main conference hall. The exhibition catalogue containing information about participating companies and presented products (in English and Russian) will be printed and distributed to all participants of the conference. Three round tables dedicated to hot topics in the field of humic product development and application will be take place in the framework of the exhibition.
Participants of the exhibition
Schedule and program of the exhibition
October 19, 2019
Arrival date
October 20, 2019
09:30 – 10:00 Opening of the exhibition (together with the Conference opening)
11:00 – 17:30 Presenters at the stands
17:30 – 19:00 Round Table 1: «Trends in crop protection: where is the niche for humates?»
1. Irina V. Perminova: «A review of modern trends in the field of crop protection» (based on the results of the 14-th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry in Ghent, 2019)
2. Roberto Baigorri: «Humic substances as biostimulants» (to be confirmed)
General discussion
19:00 Get-together
October 21, 2019
09:30 – 17:30 Presenters at the stands
18:00 Round Table 2: «Functional drinks based on humic substances: benefits or threats?»
Yuri V. Zhernov, M.D.: «Functional humic drinks: view point of the immunologist»
General discussion
October 22, 2019
09:30 – 17:30 Presenters at the stands
17:30 – 18:30 Round table 3: «Humic substances as feed additives and pharmaceutical substances»
Presentation: (to be announced)
General discussion
Closing of the exhibition
19:00 Conference dinner
October 23, 2019
Departure date
Space for the exhibition
Conditions for participation
Registration fee for the participating firms is 500 Euro including:
- rent of the standard exhibition unit (a table, two chairs, a stand for materials);
- printing materials in English and Russian in the catalogue of the Conference;
- coffee breaks and the get-together party for two representatives of the company;
- participation of one representative of the company in all activities of the Conference.
The fee for participation of any other representative is 300 Euro.
Costs of additional options, such as rental of the larger exhibition unit, placemant of a press-wall, additional advertising in the Exhibition catalogue, displaying a company logo on the conference web-site, are to be agreed with the Organizing Committee.
Sponsors of the Conference are automatically eligible for participation at the Conference and Exhibition.
Catalogue of the exhibition will be available in Russian and English. Materials for the catalogue should be presented according to the following guidelines: