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Сборник тезисов докладов

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Список приглашенных докладчиков

  1. Stephen A. Leharne (University of Greenwich, UK): Nanoparticle stabilised emulsions: Do they offer remedial opportunities?
  2. Miloslav Pekar (Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic): Humic-chitosan gels as biocompatible nanocontainers.
  3. Etelka Tombacz (University of Szeged, Hungary): Natural macroligands in the rational design of magnetic nanoparticles.
  4. Markus Delay (Karlsruhe University of Technology, Germany): Stability and interactions of engineered nanoparticles in aquatic systems.
  5. Svetlana Bratskaya (Institute of Chemistry, Far-East Branch if the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia): Chitosan and its derivatives in drinking and waste waters treatment.
  6. Eugene Goodilin (Lomonosov MSU, Dept. of Materials Science): Humic substances-assisted synthesis of biocompatible nanoparticles.
  7. Leonid Kustov (Institute of Organic Chemistry of RAS - the Lomonosov MSU, Dept. of Chemistry, Moscow): Rational design of engineered nanomaterials for water and soil remediation.
  8. Gennady Fedotov (Lomonosov MSU, Soil Sci. Dept.): Nanostructural organization of soil.
  9. Vera Terehova (Lomonosov MSU, Soil Sci. Dept.): Toxicity assessment of engineered nanoparticles in soil.

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