
July 2, 2012 — registration opening and first call for papers

September 24, 2012 — closing date for abstract submission

October 29, 2012 — arrival date

October 30, 2012 — opening of the conference and get together

October 31 - November 1, 2012 — conference dates

November 2, 2012 — closing of the conference


The official languages of the conference will be English and Russian.


The scientific program will include keynote lectures (40 min. incl. discussion), oral presentations (20 min. incl. discussion), poster presentations, panel and round table discussions.

Abstract submission

Abstracts can only be submitted after online-registration. The abstract has to be written in English using the provided template for HiT2012.

Registration fee

Registration fee (without accommodation)*, per person, EURO
Full Student
400 200

*Members of IHSS have a privilege of 15% discount.

The registration fee includes participation in the conference activities, welcome party, coffee breaks, conference dinner and meals.


Accommodation of the conference participants will be in the dormatory of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The price of accommodation in the single room of double room apartment (shared bathroom) is 40 EURO per night.

Visa support

For getting Russian visa you need official invitation which you will have to submit to the Russian Consulate in your country. For prepearing invitation for you, we need the visa form. Please, download it, fill it in, and send to the Conference Secretariat by e-mail Please, also include a scanned copy of the picture page of your passport. Indicate "visa support" in the subject of your message.