New!!! Presentations, Abstracts and Photo Gallery are now available

Dear friends, dear HiT-2010 participants,

Let me thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your support, friendship and cooperation in making to a real success the First international conference on humic innovative technologies entitled «Natural and Synthetic Polyfunctional Compounds and Nanomaterials in Medicine and Biomedical Technologies» (HiT-2010), which took place on November 4-8, 2010 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

The total number of conference participants was 55, out of them 8 from Germany, 1 from Hungary, 2 from Ukraine, 1 from Kyrgyzstan, 3 from Saint Petersburg, 3 from Tomsk, 2 from Ivanovo, 1 from Ufa, 1 from Samara and 33 from Moscow. 20 from 55 participants were students and young scientists that promise a big future to our science.

The conference was opened by the lecture of Vladimir Bezuglov who took a true tone and set high standard to the conference. The follow up lecture of Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin was completely in tune with the fist lecture. Philippe took us to the sky and further to Cosmos with his exciting lecture about ubiquitous nature of organic matter which is not limited to our Earth but goes much much further to the other star systems... These great visions of our first lecturers predetermined the scene for other invited speakers each of those cause a sigh of admiration with the depth and beauty of the scientific ideas. Our lectures easily hold us in the tension all three working days of the conference, To maintain those amazing moments of high scientific spirits we have placed on our website the presentations given to us by the presenters. In addition to invited lecturers, worth particular mentioning the intense scientific discussion stimulated by the oral speakers and its culmination point — the panel discussion. Another achievement of the conference was round table dedicated to production of humic products lead by Sergey Pigarev and Alexander Popov. The decision was taken to elaborate a concept of producer association, which will be able to initiate regulation of standardization of humic preparations.

As a total, the conference was full of events. This has been perfectly reflected in the snapshot of those intense days prepared by Natalya Kulikova (picture gallery can be found on the conference website).

At the end, I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Be the coming year healthy, happy, joyful and creative. Let it also bring new heights in our common scientific field — in the science of humic materials. See you on our next conferences!

With warmest regards,

On behalf of Organizing Committee of HiT-2010,

Irina Perminova

Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee of the HiT-2010