Humates NATO ARW Home Page
Dear book contributors of the NATO ARW,
following the ARW workshop the organizing committee has agreed
to the following procedure in order to expedite the process of
preparation, distribution and review of the individual
- Book format
The selected ARW participants will produce a book, which is
intended to follow the style of a monograph rather than that
of a proceedings issue; in order to facilitate this procedure
two measures have been taken:
- The tentative list of authors and titles of their
presentations will be presented under section B, so that any
of the authors can adjust his contribution to the overall
appearance of a coherent treatment of the topic: use of humic
substances to remediate polluted environments: from theory to
- In order to facilitate the writing, a sample file has been
distributed by Philippe Baveye ahead of the ARW: P. Baveye and
R. Bladon, Bioavailability of organic xenobiotics in the
environment: a critical perspective. A Guide for Authors
Kluwer Publisher helps you to
assess the appropriate total extent of your presentation and
the outline of the figures, tables, and references. The
manuscripts for review are to be printed in a double space
format. A number of pages allocated for each author is given
for the camera-ready copy and shown next to your chapter in
the file with the content of the book.
20 camera-ready pages correspond to about 40 pages in double-
space format. Here you will also find files for copyright-
transfer and database-sheet. The copyright transfer and
database sheet are to be returned to the editors with the
revised versions of the manuscripts.
- Book contents and chapters
The book will be organized along the (preliminary) results of
the working groups in the round table discussion. To produce
a state-of-the-art assessment of the topic additional
contributions from authors, who have been invited, but could
not attend the ARW will be included. Here is the content of book.
- Deadlines and review process
- The articles should be sent by e-mail to Norbert Hertkorn
(GSF-Germany) and Irina Perminova (MGU/Russia) not later than
November 10, 2002. The absolute deadline for receipt is
December 1, 2002 - manuscripts received after this time will
NOT be considered for publication.
- The manuscripts received will be sent by Norbert Hertkorn
(GSF-Germany) and Irina Perminova (MGU/Russia) for review,
typically to two different other authors which also have been
participants of the NATO ARW, or to the independent
appropriate reviewers. (Note that some authors of articles in
the book could not attend the ARW). This process will take
place as soon as the individual manuscripts have been received
on an individual basis. Deadline for this review process is
December 15, 2002 (i.e. before Christmas, so that the time
across the years 2002/2003 can be used for minor and major
revisions). The reviewers should send the review to Norbert
Hertkorn (GSF-Germany) and Irina Perminova (MGU/Russia) in
WORD or RTF-format. The reviews will be forwarded then to the
- The proposed revisions should be incorporated carefully
and exhaustively and an electronic version of the revised
manuscript should be sent with a detailed list of the changes
made to the original manuscript to Norbert Hertkorn (GSF-
Germany) and Irina Perminova (MGU/Russia) not later than
January 15 (desirable) to January 30, 2003.
- The editors will assemble to manuscripts into a single
text which will sent to the publisher not later than March 1,
2003 (desirable) to March 30, 2003. Correction suggestions
with respect to English language coming up during this process
(including some "streamlining" with respect to the appearance
of the total book) will be sent to the original authors for
(fast and informal) approval.
Each participant of the NATO ARW will be sent a book by the
publisher; for this process we need an updated and correct
address list which should include:
- Name
- Affiliation (full institute address)
- Phone and Fax numbers
- E-mail address
With best wishes and hopes on the fruitful cooperation,
Norbert Hertkorn and Irina Perminova
Humates NATO ARW Home Page